Hamid Ait Abderrahmane
Hamid Ait Abderrahmane
Mechanical Engineering,Khalifa University
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Experimental confirmation of Kelvin’s equilibria
GH Vatistas, HA Abderrahmane, MHK Siddiqui
Physical review letters 100 (17), 174503, 2008
Turing patterns and long-time behavior in a three-species food-chain model
RD Parshad, N Kumari, AR Kasimov, HA Abderrahmane
Mathematical biosciences 254, 83-102, 2014
Flapping dynamics of a flexible filament
H Ait Abderrahmane, MP Paidoussis, M Fayed, HD Ng
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (6 …, 2011
Finite Time Blowup in a Realistic Food‐Chain Model
RD Parshad, HA Abderrahmane, RK Upadhyay, N Kumari
International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 (1), 424062, 2013
Multifractal analysis of reservoir rock samples using 3D X-ray micro computed tomography images
MS Jouini, F Bouchaala, MK Riahi, M Sassi, H Abderrahmane, F Hjouj
IEEE Access 10, 67898-67909, 2022
Exploiting stiffness nonlinearities to improve flow energy capture from the wake of a bluff body
AH Alhadidi, H Abderrahmane, MF Daqaq
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 337, 30-42, 2016
Nonlinear dynamics of silk and Mylar flags flapping in axial flow
HA Abderrahmane, MP Païdoussis, M Fayed, HD Ng
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 107, 225-236, 2012
Traveling waves on a falling weakly viscoelastic fluid film
N Amatousse, HA Abderrahmane, N Mehidi
International Journal of Engineering Science 54, 27-41, 2012
Stacked ensemble machine learning for porosity and absolute permeability prediction of carbonate rock plugs
R Kalule, HA Abderrahmane, W Alameri, M Sassi
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9855, 2023
The ability of forecasting flapping frequency of flexible filament by artificial neural network
M Fayed, M Elhadary, HA Abderrahmane, BN Zakher
Alexandria Engineering Journal 58 (4), 1367-1374, 2019
Influence of heterogeneity on carbonate permeability upscaling: A renormalization approach coupled with the pore network model
H Zhang, H Ait Abderrahmane, M Arif, M Al Kobaisi, M Sassi
Energy & Fuels 36 (6), 3003-3015, 2022
Film flow for power-law fluids: modeling and linear stability
M Amaouche, A Djema, HA Abderrahmane
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 34, 70-84, 2012
The growth of fractal dimension of an interface evolution from the interaction of a shock wave with a rectangular block of sf6
HD Ng, HA Abderrahmane, KR Bates, N Nikiforakis
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (11), 4158-4162, 2011
Visualization of flow patterns past various objects in two-dimensional flow using soap film
M Fayed, R Portaro, AL Gunter, HA Abderrahmane, HD Ng
Physics of Fluids 23 (9), 2011
Pore-scale characterization and pnm simulations of multiphase flow in carbonate rocks
H Zhang, H Abderrahmane, M Al Kobaisi, M Sassi
Energies 14 (21), 6897, 2021
Applying nonlinear dynamic theory to one-dimensional pulsating detonations
HA Abderrahmane, F Paquet, HD Ng
Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (2), 205-225, 2011
Passive and active control for flow over a cylinder using a slit and validation with soap film technique
U Ali, H Hassan, I Janajreh, HA Abderrahmane, M Islam
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 98, 279-291, 2023
A note on relative equilibria in a rotating shallow water layer
HA Abderrahmane, M Fayed, HD Ng, GH Vatistas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 724, 695-703, 2013
Inertial effects on dynamics of immiscible viscous fingering in homogenous porous media
S Rabbani, H Abderrahmane, M Sassi
Fluids 4 (2), 79, 2019
Influence of curvature on tear film dynamics
M Allouche, HA Abderrahmane, SM Djouadi, K Mansouri
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 66, 81-91, 2017
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Articles 1–20