Zbigniew Smoreda
Zbigniew Smoreda
Orange / Orange Labs / SENSE
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Unravelling daily human mobility motifs
CM Schneider, V Belik, T Couronné, Z Smoreda, MC González
J. R. Soc. Interface 10 (84), 2013
Geographical dispersal of mobile communication networks
R Lambiotte, VD Blondel, C De Kerchove, E Huens, C Prieur, Z Smoreda, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (21), 5317-5325, 2008
Are social networks technologically embedded?: How networks are changing today with changes in communication technology
C Licoppe, Z Smoreda
Social networks 27 (4), 317-335, 2005
On the Use of Human Mobility Proxies for Modeling Epidemics
M Tizzoni, P Bajardi, A Decuyper, G Kon Kam King, CM Schneider, ...
PLOS Computational Biology 10 (7), e1003716, 2014
The scaling of human interactions with city size
M Schläpfer, LMA Bettencourt, S Grauwin, M Raschke, R Claxton, ...
J. R. Soc. Interface 11 (98), 20130789, 2014
Exploring the mobility of mobile phone users
BC Csáji, A Browet, VA Traag, JC Delvenne, E Huens, P Van Dooren, ...
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 392 (6), 1459-1473, 2013
Data for development: the d4d challenge on mobile phone data
VD Blondel, M Esch, C Chan, F Clérot, P Deville, E Huens, F Morlot, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.0137, 2012
Socio-geography of Human Mobility: A study using longitudinal mobile phone data
S Phithakkitnukoon, Z Smoreda, P Olivier
PloS ONE 7 (6), e39253, 2012
Delineating geographical regions with networks of human interactions in an extensive set of countries
S Sobolevsky, M Szell, R Campari, T Couronné, Z Smoreda, C Ratti
PLoS ONE 8 (12), e81707, 2013
Everyday space–time geographies: using mobile phone-based sensor data to monitor urban activity in Harbin, Paris, and Tallinn
R Ahas, A Aasa, Y Yuan, M Raubal, Z Smoreda, Y Liu, C Ziemlicki, M Tiru, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29 (11), 2017-2039, 2015
On the privacy-conscientious use of mobile phone data.
YA de Montjoye, S Gambs, V Blondel, G Canright, S Deletaille, ...
Scientific data 5, 180286-180286, 2018
D4D-Senegal: the second mobile phone data for development challenge
YA de Montjoye, Z Smoreda, R Trinquart, C Ziemlicki, VD Blondel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.4885, 2014
Using big data to study the link between human mobility and socio-economic development
L Pappalardo, D Pedreschi, Z Smoreda, F Giannotti
2015 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 871-878, 2015
Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions: A study using mobile phone data
F Calabrese, Z Smoreda, VD Blondel, C Ratti
PloS ONE 6 (7), e20814, 2011
An analytical framework to nowcast well-being using mobile phone data
L Pappalardo, M Vanhoof, L Gabrielli, Z Smoreda, D Pedreschi, ...
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 2 (1-2), 75–92, 2016
Gender-specific use of the domestic telephone
Z Smoreda, C Licoppe
Social Psychology Quarterly 63 (3), 238-252, 2000
A tale of ten cities: Characterizing signatures of mobile traffic in urban areas
A Furno, M Fiore, R Stanica, C Ziemlicki, Z Smoreda
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (10), 2682-2696, 2016
Moving and Calling: Mobile Phone Data Quality Measurements and Spatiotemporal Uncertainty in Human Mobility Studies
C Iovan, AM Olteanu-Raimond, T Couronné, Z Smoreda
Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe, 247-265, 2013
Social networks and residential ICT adoption and use
Z Smoreda, F Thomas
Eurescom Summit 2001, 3G, 2001
Passive mobile phone dataset to construct origin-destination matrix: potentials and limitations
P Bonnel, E Hombourger, AM Olteanu-Raimond, Z Smoreda
Transportation Research Procedia 11, 381-398, 2015
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Articles 1–20