xavier chateau
xavier chateau
CNRS Senior Scientist
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Liquid bridge between two moving spheres: an experimental study of viscosity effects
O Pitois, P Moucheront, X Chateau
Journal of colloid and interface science 231 (1), 26-31, 2000
Effect of coarse particle volume fraction on the yield stress and thixotropy of cementitious materials
F Mahaut, S Mokéddem, X Chateau, N Roussel, G Ovarlez
Cement and concrete research 38 (11), 1276-1285, 2008
Phenomenology and physical origin of shear localization and shear banding in complex fluids
G Ovarlez, S Rodts, X Chateau, P Coussot
Rheologica acta 48 (8), 831-844, 2009
Homogenization approach to the behavior of suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress fluids
X Chateau, G Ovarlez, KL Trung
Journal of Rheology 52 (2), 489-506, 2008
Yield stress and elastic modulus of suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress fluids
F Mahaut, X Chateau, P Coussot, G Ovarlez
Journal of Rheology 52 (1), 287-313, 2008
Aging and solid or liquid behavior in pastes
P Coussot, H Tabuteau, X Chateau, L Tocquer, G Ovarlez
Journal of Rheology 50 (6), 975-994, 2006
Damage in porous media due to salt crystallization
N Shahidzadeh-Bonn, J Desarnaud, F Bertrand, X Chateau, D Bonn
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (6 …, 2010
Micromechanics of saturated and unsaturated porous media
X Chateau, L Dormieux
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2002
Flows of suspensions of particles in yield stress fluids
G Ovarlez, F Mahaut, S Deboeuf, N Lenoir, S Hormozi, X Chateau
Journal of rheology 59 (6), 1449-1486, 2015
Small particle at a fluid interface: Effect of contact angle hysteresis on force and work of detachment
O Pitois, X Chateau
Langmuir 18 (25), 9751-9756, 2002
Rupture energy of a pendular liquid bridge
O Pitois, P Moucheront, X Chateau
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 23, 79-86, 2001
Shear-induced sedimentation in yield stress fluids
G Ovarlez, F Bertrand, P Coussot, X Chateau
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 177, 19-28, 2012
Flows and heterogeneities with a vane tool: Magnetic resonance imaging measurements
G Ovarlez, F Mahaut, F Bertrand, X Chateau
Journal of rheology 55 (2), 197-223, 2011
Buckling of elastic structures in unilateral contact
X Chateau, Q Nguyen
Eur J Mech A Solids 10 (1), 71-89, 1991
Rheological behaviour of suspensions of bubbles in yield stress fluids
L Ducloué, O Pitois, J Goyon, X Chateau, G Ovarlez
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 215, 31-39, 2015
Macroscopic behavior of bidisperse suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress fluids
TS Vu, G Ovarlez, X Chateau
Journal of Rheology 54 (4), 815-833, 2010
Influence of shear stress applied during flow stoppage and rest period on the mechanical properties of thixotropic suspensions
G Ovarlez, X Chateau
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (6 …, 2008
Contact and macroscopic ageing in colloidal suspensions
F Bonacci, X Chateau, EM Furst, J Fusier, J Goyon, A Lemaître
Nature Materials 19 (7), 775-780, 2020
Coupling of elasticity to capillarity in soft aerated materials
L Ducloué, O Pitois, J Goyon, X Chateau, G Ovarlez
Soft matter 10 (28), 5093-5098, 2014
Adhesion of yield stress fluids
Q Barral, G Ovarlez, X Chateau, J Boujlel, B Rabideau, P Coussot
Soft Matter 6 (6), 1343-1351, 2010
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