Retracts: graphs and ordered sets from the metric point of view E Jawhari, D Misane, M Pouzet Contemp. Math 57, 175-226, 1986 | 138 | 1986 |
Application d'une propriété combinatoire des parties d'un ensemble aux groupes et aux relations M Pouzet Mathematische Zeitschrift 150, 117-134, 1976 | 120 | 1976 |
Linear extensions of ordered sets R Bonnet, M Pouzet Ordered Sets: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Banff …, 1982 | 81 | 1982 |
Divisibility of countable metric spaces C Delhommé, C Laflamme, M Pouzet, N Sauer European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (6), 1746-1769, 2007 | 80 | 2007 |
Extension et stratification d’ensembles dispersés R Bonnet, M Pouzet CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. AB 268, A1512-A1515, 1969 | 63 | 1969 |
Un bel ordre d’abritement et ses rapports avec les bornes d’une multirelation M Pouzet CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. AB 274, A1677-A1680, 1972 | 53 | 1972 |
On a quasi-ordering on Boolean functions M Couceiro, M Pouzet Theoretical computer science 396 (1-3), 71-87, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |
Applications of well quasi-ordering and better quasi-ordering M Pouzet Graphs and Order: The Role of Graphs in the Theory of Ordered Sets and Its …, 1985 | 48 | 1985 |
Relations non reconstructibles par leurs restrictions M Pouzet Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 26 (1), 22-34, 1979 | 43 | 1979 |
Sur la théorie des relations M Pouzet Universite Claude Bernard, 1978 | 43 | 1978 |
Application de la Notion de Relation Presque‐Enchainable au Denombrement des Restrictions Finies D'une Relation M Pouzet Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (19‐21), 289-332, 1981 | 42 | 1981 |
Sperner properties for groups and relations M Pouzet, IG Rosenberg European Journal of Combinatorics 7 (4), 349-370, 1986 | 37 | 1986 |
Indivisible ultrametric spaces C Delhommé, C Laflamme, M Pouzet, N Sauer Topology and its Applications 155 (14), 1462-1478, 2008 | 34 | 2008 |
The profile of relations M Pouzet arXiv preprint math/0703211, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Edge partitions of the Rado graph M Pouzet, N Sauer Combinatorica 16 (4), 505-520, 1996 | 34 | 1996 |
Relations impartibles M Pouzet | 34 | 1981 |
On the cofinality of partially ordered sets EC Milner, M Pouzet Ordered Sets: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Banff …, 1982 | 33 | 1982 |
A projection property M Pouzet, IG Rosenberg, MG Stone Algebra Universalis 36 (2), 159-184, 1996 | 32 | 1996 |
Sur les prémeilleurordres M Pouzet Annales de l'institut Fourier 22 (2), 1-19, 1972 | 32 | 1972 |
Une caractérisation des mots périodiques R Assous, M Pouzet Discrete Mathematics 25 (1), 1-5, 1979 | 31 | 1979 |