Clare Wickman Lau
Clare Wickman Lau
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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Cited by
A mathematical model of a crocodilian population using delay-differential equations
A Gallegos, T Plummer, D Uminsky, C Vega, C Wickman, M Zawoiski
Journal of mathematical biology 57 (5), 737-754, 2008
Improved image segmentation via cost minimization of multiple hypotheses
M Bosch, CM Gifford, AG Dress, CW Lau, JG Skibo, GA Christie
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.00088, 2018
Duality and geodesics for probabilistic frames
C Wickman, K Okoudjou
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 532, 198-221, 2017
An optimal transport approach to some problems in frame theory
CG Wickman
University of Maryland, College Park, 2014
Wavefront shaping with coherent optical sensing
SM Hendrickson, DW Blodgett, CW Lau, JJ Wathen
US Patent 10,541,756, 2020
Multiple hypothesis track-to-truth assignment with a minimum sojourn time
WD Blair, JL Kramer, CG Wickman, LR Bateman
2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-6, 2012
Gradient flows for frame potentials on the Wasserstein space
C Wickman, K Okoudjou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09319, 2018
Brain imaging for neural tissue health assessment
D Blodgett, E Bar-Kochba, A Criss, T Criss, J Harper, G Hwang, C Lau, ...
Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications X 10639, 106391G, 2018
Team APL: Intelligent Fusion of CNN Ensembles
CM Gifford, PA Rodriguez, R Amundsen, S Awad, B Chee, C Lau, ...
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Articles 1–9