Kalampalikis Nikos
Kalampalikis Nikos
Université Lyon 2 - Laboratoire GRePS (UR)
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Qu'est-ce que les focus groups?
J Kitzinger, I Markova, N Kalampalikis
Bulletin de psychologie 57 (3), 237-243, 2004
Serge Moscovici : Psychologie des représentations sociales
N Kalampalikis
La perspective socio-génétique des représentations sociales
N Kalampalikis, T Apostolidis
In G. Le Monaco, S. Delouvée & P. Rateau (Eds.), Les représentations …, 2016
L'apport de la méthode Alceste dans l'analyse des représentations sociales
N Kalampalikis
In J.-C. Abric (Ed.), Méthodes d’étude des représentations sociales, 147-163, 2007
Représentations sociales et mondes de vie (Textes édités par N. Kalampalikis)
D Jodelet
Giving or giving back: new psychosocial insights from sperm donors in France
N Kalampalikis, V Haas, N Fieulaine, M Doumergue, G Deschamps
Psychology, Health & Medicine 18 (1), 1-9, 2013
Repeated reproduction: Back to Bartlett. A French replication of narrative and an extension to proverbs
P Mercier, N Kalampalikis
Culture & Psychology 26 (3), 500-527, 2020
Genesis and structure: Piaget and Moscovici
G Duveen, F Buschini, N Kalampalikis
Development as social science. Contributions of G. Duveen, 56-64, 2013
Historical spaces of social psychology
N Kalampalikis, S Delouvée, JP Pétard
History of the Human Sciences 19 (2), 23-43, 2006
Serge Moscovici: Un regard sur les mondes contemporains
N Kalampalikis, D Jodelet, M Wieviorka, D Moscovici, P Moscovici
Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2021
Mitos e Representações Socias
N Kalampalikis
Pensamento mítico e representações sociais, 89-123, 2009
Designing focus groups
S Caillaud, K Nikos, M Doumergue
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Design, Sage, London, 684-699, 2022
In memoriam Serge Moscovici (1925-2014)
J Pérez, N Kalampalikis, S Lahlou, D Jodelet, T Apostolidis
Bulletin de psychologie 68 (2), 2015
Méthodes mixtes dans une recherche en psychologie sociale sur le don de gamètes.
N Kalampalikis, M Doumergue
Les méthodes mixtes en psychologie. Analyses qualitatives et quantitatives …, 2020
Supplementary materials to: Social representations of European history by the European youth: A cross-country comparison
P Bouchat, R Cabecinhas, L Licata, M Charton, X Chryssochoou, ...
PsychOpen GOLD, 2023
Introduction to the epistemology of social representations and to the psychology of the social through Serge Moscovici’s thinking
N Christakis, N Kalampalikis
Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory 35, 189-216, 2017
Introduction: savoirs et santé
N Kalampalikis
Savoirs du quotidien. Transmissions, Appropriations, Représentations, pp …, 2006
The totemic use of an author in psychology: A century of publications of the work of FC Bartlett.
P Mercier, N Kalampalikis
History of Psychology, 2024
Social representations of European history by the European youth: A cross-country comparison
P Bouchat, R Cabecinhas, L Licata, M Charton, X Chryssochoou, ...
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 11 (2), 606-622, 2023
The Scandal of Social Thought: Selected Writings of Serge Moscovici
B Wagoner, N Kalampalikis
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Articles 1–20