Thomas Sinkjær
Thomas Sinkjær
Professor, Aalborg University and Secretary General, Royal Danish Society of Sciences and Letters
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Spastic movement disorder: impaired reflex function and altered muscle mechanics
V Dietz, T Sinkjaer
The Lancet Neurology 6 (8), 725-733, 2007
Muscle stiffness in human ankle dorsiflexors: intrinsic and reflex components
T Sinkjaer, E Toft, S Andreassen, BC Hornemann
Journal of neurophysiology 60 (3), 1110-1121, 1988
Passive, intrinsic and reflex-mediated stiffness in the ankle extensors of hemiparetic patients
T Sinkjær, I Magnussen
Brain 117 (2), 355-363, 1994
Major role for sensory feedback in soleus EMG activity in the stance phase of walking in man
T Sinkjær, JB Andersen, M Ladouceur, LOD Christensen, JB Nielsen
The Journal of physiology 523 (Pt 3), 817, 2000
Control of movement for the physically disabled: control for rehabilitation technology
DB Popovic, T Sinkjaer
Springer, 2000
A review of portable FES-based neural orthoses for the correction of drop foot
GM Lyons, T Sinkjær, JH Burridge, DJ Wilcox
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 10 (4 …, 2002
Soleus stretch reflex modulation during gait in humans
T Sinkjaer, JB Andersen, B Larsen
Journal of neurophysiology 76 (2), 1112-1120, 1996
Group II muscle afferents probably contribute to the medium latency soleus stretch reflex during walking in humans
MJ Grey, M Ladouceur, JB Andersen, JB Nielsen, T Sinkjær
The Journal of physiology 534 (Pt 3), 925, 2001
Clinical evaluation of Functional Electrical Therapy in acute hemiplegic subjects.
MB Popovic, DB Popovic, T Sinkjær, A Stefanovic, L Schwirtlich
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 40 (5), 2003
Cerebral activation during bicycle movements in man
LOD Christensen, P Johannsen, T Sinkjær, N Petersen, HS Pyndt, ...
Experimental brain research 135, 66-72, 2000
Cutaneous whole nerve recordings used for correction of footdrop in hemiplegic man
MK Haugland, T Sinkjaer
IEEE Transactions on rehabilitation Engineering 3 (4), 307-317, 1995
Non–reflex and reflex mediated ankle joint stiffness in multiple sclerosis patients with spasticity
T Sinkjér, E Toft, K Larsen, S Andreassen, HJ Hansen
Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 1993
Evidence that a transcortical pathway contributes to stretch reflexes in the tibialis anterior muscle in man
N Petersen, LOD Christensen, H Morita, T Sinkjær, J Nielsen
The Journal of physiology 512 (1), 267-276, 1998
Mechanical and electromyographic responses to stretch of the human ankle extensors
E Toft, T Sinkjær, S Andreassen, K Larsen
Journal of neurophysiology 65 (6), 1402-1410, 1991
Experimental muscle pain increases the human stretch reflex
DA Matre, T Sinkjær, P Svensson, L Arendt-Nielsen
Pain 75 (2-3), 331-339, 1998
Sensitivity of H-reflexes and stretch reflexes to presynaptic inhibition in humans
H Morita, N Petersen, LOD Christensen, T Sinkjær, J Nielsen
Journal of neurophysiology 80 (2), 610-620, 1998
Motor cortex excitability following repetitive electrical stimulation of the common peroneal nerve depends on the voluntary drive
S Khaslavskaia, T Sinkjaer
Experimental brain research 162, 497-502, 2005
Increase in tibialis anterior motor cortex excitability following repetitive electrical stimulation of the common peroneal nerve
S Khaslavskaia, M Ladouceur, T Sinkjaer
Experimental brain research 145, 309-315, 2002
Altered timing of hamstring muscle action in anterior cruciate ligament deficient patients
S Kålund, T Sinkjær, L Arendt-Nielsen, O Simonsen
The American journal of sports medicine 18 (3), 245-248, 1990
Cortical excitability changes following grasping exercise augmented with electrical stimulation
GI Barsi, DB Popovic, IM Tarkka, T Sinkjær, MJ Grey
Experimental brain research 191, 57-66, 2008
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Articles 1–20