Angeliki Chrysanthi
Angeliki Chrysanthi
Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean
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Cited by
The museum as digital storyteller: Collaborative participatory creation of interactive digital experiences
M Roussou, L Pujol, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, S Perry, M Vayanou
MW2015: Museums and the Web 2015, 2015
“Let them talk!” exploring guided group interaction in digital storytelling experiences
A Katifori, S Perry, M Vayanou, A Antoniou, IP Ioannidis, S McKinney, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 13 (3), 1-30, 2020
Cultivating mobile-mediated social interaction in the museum: Towards group-based digital storytelling experiences
K Katifori, Perry, Vayanou, Pujol, Chrysanthi
MW2016: Museums and the Web 2016, 2016
Cultural Heritage and Social Experiences in the Times of COVID 19
M Vayanou, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, A Antoniou
AVI2CH 2020 Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage, 2020
Personalized and content adaptive cultural heritage path recommendation: an application to the Gournia and Çatalhöyük archaeological sites
G Alexandridis, A Chrysanthi, GE Tsekouras, G Caridakis
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 29 (1), 201-238, 2019
Thinking beyond the tool
A Chrysanthi, PM Flores, C Papadopoulos
Archaeological computing and the interpretive process 2344, 2012
Paperless recording at the Sangro Valley project
CF Motz, SC Carrier
Archaeology in the Digital Era, 25, 2013
Archaeological computing: towards prosthesis or amputation?
A Chrysanthi, P Murrieta Flores, C Papadopoulos
Archaeopress, 2012
‘Tangible pasts’: user-centred design of a mixed reality application for cultural heritage
A Chrysanthi, C Papadopoulos, T Frankland, G Earl
Archaeology in the Digital Era 31, 2012
Place-based digital storytelling. the interplay between narrative forms and the cultural heritage space
A Chrysanthi, A Katifori, M Vayanou, A Antoniou
International conference on emerging technologies and the digital …, 2021
The Camera “at the Trowel’s Edge”: Personal Video Recording in Archaeological Research
A Chrysanthi, Ċ Berggren, R Davies, GP Earl, J Knibbe
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23 (1), 238-270, 2016
Collocated interaction in cultural storytelling experiences: How to coordinate visitor actions
M Vayanou, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, A Antoniou
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam
G Earl, T Sly, A Chrysanthi, P Murrieta-Flores, C Papadopoulos, ...
The Netherlands, 118-130, 2013
Visitor movement and tracking techniques. A visitor-sourced methodology for the interpretation of archaeological sites
A Chrysanthi, GP Earl, H Pagi
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 1 (1_suppl), 33-37, 2012
Archaeology in the digital era: papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012
T Sly, P Murrieta-Flores, G Earl, C Papadopoulos, I Romanowska, ...
Amsterdam University Press, 2014
“Real Change Comes from Within!”: Towards a Symbiosis of Human and Digital Guides in the Museum
A Antoniou, M Vayanou, A Katifori, A Chrysanthi, F Cheilitsi, Y Ioannidis
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 15 (1), 2021
Quick and dirty: streamlined 3D scanning in archaeology
J Knibbe, KP O'Hara, A Chrysanthi, MT Marshall, PD Bennett, G Earl, ...
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2014
Supporting the Conservation and Restoration OpenLab of the Acropolis of Ancient Tiryns through Data Modelling and Exploitation of Digital Media
E Moraitou, M Konstantakis, A Chrysanthi, Y Christodoulou, G Pavlidis, ...
Computers 12 (5), 96, 2023
Site visualization and presentation
S Perry, A Chrysanthi, I Kirkpatrick, E Emond, A Henderson, L Wheeler, ...
Çatalhöyük, 2014
Archaeology in the digital era
E Richardson, L Grosman, U Smilansky, M Werman, G Earl, T Sly, ...
Extracting Scar and Ridge Features from 3D-scanned Lithic Artifacts …, 2014
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Articles 1–20