Yoan Chabot
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Cited by
A Complete Formalized Knowledge Representation Model for Advanced Digital Forensics Timeline Analysis
Y Chabot, A Bertaux, C Nicolle, T Kechadi
Digital Investigation (Fourteenth Annual DFRWS Conference) 11 (2), S95-S105, 2014
An ontology-based approach for the reconstruction and analysis of digital incidents timelines
Y Chabot, A Bertaux, C Nicolle, T Kechadi
Digital Investigation 15, 83-100, 2015
From tabular data to knowledge graphs: A survey of semantic table interpretation tasks and methods
J Liu, Y Chabot, R Troncy, VP Huynh, T Labbé, P Monnin
Journal of Web Semantics 76, 100761, 2023
DAGOBAH: An End-to-End Context-Free Tabular Data Semantic Annotation System
Y Chabot, T Labbé, J Liu, R Troncy
Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching, 2019
DAGOBAH: table and graph contexts for efficient semantic annotation of tabular data
VP Huynh, J Liu, Y Chabot, F Deuzé, T Labbé, P Monnin, R Troncy
The 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021) 3103, 2, 2021
DAGOBAH: enhanced scoring algorithms for scalable annotations of tabular data
VP Huynh, J Liu, Y Chabot, T Labbé, P Monnin, R Troncy
Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching (SemTab …, 2020
Automatic timeline construction and analysis for computer forensics purposes
Y Chabot, A Bertaux, C Nicolle, T Kechadi
2014 IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, 276-279, 2014
From heuristics to language models: A journey through the universe of semantic table interpretation with dagobah
VP Huynh, Y Chabot, T Labbé, J Liu, R Troncy
21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022) 3320, 2022
Event reconstruction: A state of the art
Y Chabot, A Bertaux, T Kechadi, C Nicolle
Handbook of Research on Digital Crime, Cyberspace Security, and Information …, 2015
NORIA-O: an Ontology for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems
L Tailhardat, Y Chabot, R Troncy
European Semantic Web Conference, 21-39, 2024
Radar station: Using kg embeddings for semantic table interpretation and entity disambiguation
J Liu, VP Huynh, Y Chabot, R Troncy
International Semantic Web Conference, 498-515, 2022
Dagobah ui: a new hope for semantic table interpretation
C Sarthou-Camy, G Jourdain, Y Chabot, P Monnin, F Deuzé, VP Huynh, ...
European Semantic Web Conference, 107-111, 2022
Designing NORIA: a Knowledge Graph-based Platform for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems.
L Tailhardat, Y Chabot, R Troncy
KGCW@ ESWC, 2023
A framework for automatically interpreting tabular data at orange
Y Chabot, P Monnin, F Deuzé, VP Huynh, T Labbé, J Liu, R Troncy
The 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021) 2980, 413, 2021
Leveraging knowledge graphs for classifying incident situations in ICT systems
L Tailhardat, R Troncy, Y Chabot
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability …, 2023
Dataforum: Data exchange, discovery and valorisation through semantics
Y Chabot, P Grohan, G Le Calvez, C Tarnec
EGC, 441-444, 2019
Semantic Measures: A State of the Art
Y Chabot, C Nicolle
The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 10, 2014
Project Report: Fourier Transform
Y Chabot, B Harbelot
DAGOBAH: Un système d’annotation sémantique de données tabulaires indépendant du contexte
Y Chabot, T Labbé, J Liu, R Troncy
31es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 2020
Reconstruction et analyse smantique de chronologies cybercriminelles
T Kechadi, Y Chabot, A Bertaux, C Nicolle
Reynaud, C., Martin, A., and Quinious, R.(eds.). EGC 2014. Revue des …, 2014
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Articles 1–20