Ra'Fat AL-Msie'Deen
Ra'Fat AL-Msie'Deen
Associate Professor / Researcher in software engineering @ Mutah University
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Cited by
Feature location in a collection of software product variants using formal concept analysis
R Al-msie’deen, A Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier, HE Salman
International Conference on Software Reuse, 302-307, 2013
Mining features from the object-oriented source code of software variants by combining lexical and structural similarity
R Al-msie'deen, AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier
2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2013
Mining features from the object-oriented source code of a collection of software variants using formal concept analysis and latent semantic indexing
R Al-msie'deen, AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier, HE Salman
SEKE: Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2013
Reverse engineering feature models from software configurations using formal concept analysis
R Al-msie’deen, M Huchard, AD Seriai, C Urtado, S Vauttier
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and …, 2014
Formulating Module Assessment for Improved Academic Performance Predictability in Higher Education
M Alsuwaiket, A Blasi, R Al-msie'deen
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 9 (3), 4287-4291, 2019
Reverse Engineering Feature Models From Software Variants to Build Software Product Lines
R Al-msie’deen
Montpellier 2 University, France, 2014
An approach to recover feature models from object-oriented source code
R Al-msie’deen, AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier, HE Salman
Actes de la Journée Lignes de Produits, 15-26, 2012
Automatic documentation of [mined] feature implementations from source code elements and use-case diagrams with the REVPLINE approach
R Al-msie'deen, M Huchard, AD Seriai, C Urtado, S Vauttier
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 24 …, 2014
Documenting the mined feature implementations from the object-oriented source code of a collection of software product variants
R Al-msie'deen, AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier
SEKE: Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 138-143, 2014
Recovering traceability links between feature models and source code of product variants
H Eyal-Salman, AD Seriai, C Dony, R Al-msie'deen
Proceedings of the VARiability for You Workshop: Variability Modeling Made …, 2012
Concept lattices: a representation space to structure software variability
R Al-msie'deen, M Huchard, AD Seriai, C Urtado, S Vauttier, A Al-Khlifat
Information and Communication Systems (ICICS), 2014 5th International …, 2014
Constructing a software requirements specification and design for electronic IT news magazine system
R Al-msie'deen, AH Blasi, MA Alsuwaiket
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 8 (11), 104-118, 2021
Tag Clouds for Object-Oriented Source Code Visualization
R Al-msie'deen
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 9 (3), 4243-4248, 2019
Visualizing object-oriented software for understanding and documentation
R Al-msie'deen
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS …, 2016
Identifying traceability links between product variants and their features
H Eyal-Salman, AD Seriai, C Dony, R Al-msie’deen
ser. REVE 13, 17-23, 2013
Detecting commonality and variability in use-case diagram variants
R Al-msie'deen, AH Blasi, HE Salman, SS Alja'afreh, A Abadleh, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 100 (4), 1113-1126, 2022
Supporting software documentation with source code summarization
R Al-msie'deen, A Blasi
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 6 (1), 59 - 67, 2019
The Impact of the Object-Oriented Software Evolution on Software Metrics: The Iris Approach
R Al-msie'deen, A Blasil
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11 (8), 1 - 8, 2018
Automatic labeling of the object-oriented source code: The Lotus approach
R Al-msie'deen
Science International-Lahore 30 (1), 45 – 48, 2018
Software Evolution Understanding: Automatic Extraction of Software Identifiers Map for Object-Oriented Software Systems
R Al-msie'deen, A H Blasi
Journal of Communications Software and Systems 17 (1), 20-28, 2021
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Articles 1–20