Paul Hooykaas
Paul Hooykaas
Hoogleraar Genetica
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A binary plant vector strategy based on separation of vir- and T-region of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti-plasmid
A Hoekema, PR Hirsch, PJJ Hooykaas, RA Schilperoort
Nature 303 (5913), 179-180, 1983
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of filamentous fungi
MJA De Groot, P Bundock, PJJ Hooykaas, AGM Beijersbergen
Nature biotechnology 16 (9), 839-842, 1998
Trans‐kingdom T‐DNA transfer from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
P Bundock, A den Dulk‐Ras, A Beijersbergen, PJ Hooykaas
The EMBO journal 14 (13), 3206-3214, 1995
A PINOID-dependent binary switch in apical-basal PIN polar targeting directs auxin efflux
J Friml, X Yang, M Michniewicz, D Weijers, A Quint, O Tietz, R Benjamins, ...
Science 306 (5697), 862-865, 2004
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation as a tool for functional genomics in fungi
CB Michielse, PJJ Hooykaas, CA van den Hondel, AFJ Ram
Current genetics 48, 1-17, 2005
The PINOID protein kinase regulates organ development in Arabidopsis by enhancing polar auxin transport
R Benjamins, AB Quint, D Weijers, P Hooykaas, R Offringa
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 128 (20), 4057 …, 2001
Transfer of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens TI Plasmid to Avirulent Agrobacteria and to Rhizobium ex planta
PJJ Hooykaas, PM Klapwijk, MP Nuti, RA Schilperoort, A Rörsch
Microbiology 98 (2), 477-484, 1977
The bases of crown gall tumorigenesis
J Zhu, PM Oger, B Schrammeijer, PJJ Hooykaas, SK Farrand, SC Winans
Journal of Bacteriology 182 (14), 3885-3895, 2000
Agrobacterium and plant genetic engineering
PJJ Hooykaas, RA Schilperoort
10 Years Plant Molecular Biology, 15-38, 1992
Overexpression of a novel Arabidopsis gene related to putative zinc-transporter genes from animals can lead to enhanced zinc resistance and accumulation
BJ Van der Zaal, LW Neuteboom, JE Pinas, AN Chardonnens, H Schat, ...
Plant physiology 119 (3), 1047-1056, 1999
Root lectin as a determinant of host–plant specificity in the Rhizobium–legume symbiosis
CL Díaz, LS Melchers, PJJ Hooykaas, BJJ Lugtenberg, JW Kijne
Nature 338 (6216), 579-581, 1989
VirB/D4-Dependent Protein Translocation from Agrobacterium into Plant Cells
AC Vergunst, B Schrammeijer, A den Dulk-Ras, CMT de Vlaam, ...
Science 290 (5493), 979-982, 2000
Crown gall plant tumors of abnormal morphology, induced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying mutated octopine Ti plasmids; analysis of T-DNA functions
G Ooms, PJJ Hooykaas, G Moolenaar, RA Schilperoort
Gene 14 (1-2), 33-50, 1981
The virulence system of Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
PJJ Hooykaas, AGM Beijersbergen
An Arabidopsis Minute-like phenotype caused by a semi-dominant mutation in a RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S5 gene
D Weijers, M Franke-van Dijk, RJ Vencken, A Quint, P Hooykaas, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 128 (21), 4289 …, 2001
Positive charge is an important feature of the C-terminal transport signal of the VirB/D4-translocated proteins of Agrobacterium
AC Vergunst, MCM van Lier, A den Dulk-Ras, TA Grosse Stüve, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (3), 832-837, 2005
Octopine Ti-plasmid deletion mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with emphasis on the right side of the T-region
G Ooms, PJJ Hooykaas, RJM Van Veen, P Van Beelen, ...
Plasmid 7 (1), 15-29, 1982
Expression of Ti plasmid genes in monocotyledonous plants infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens
GMS Hooykaas-Van Slogteren, PJJ Hooykaas, RA Schilperoort
Nature 311 (5988), 763-764, 1984
Conjugative Transfer by the Virulence System of Agrobacterium tumefaciens
A Beijersbergen, AD Dulk-Ras, RA Schilperoort, PJJ Hooykaas
Science 256 (5061), 1324-1327, 1992
The Rhizobiaceae: molecular biology of model plant-associated bacteria
HP Spaink, A Kondorosi, PJJ Hooykaas
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
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Articles 1–20