Silvia Russo
Silvia Russo
The Museum of Fine Arts Houston; The Menil Collection
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But aren’t all soaps metal soaps? A review of applications, physico-chemical properties of metal soaps and their occurrence in cultural heritage studies.
S Russo, L Brambilla, E Thomas, Jean Baptiste and Joseph
Heritage Science 11 (172), 2023
About metal soaps in ethnographic collections
S Russo, E Granget, A Malefakis, L Brambilla, JB Thomas, E Joseph
CeROArt. Conservation, exposition, Restauration d’Objets d’Art, 2024
About metal soaps in ethnographic collections: à propos des savons métalliques dans les collections ethnographiques
S Russo, E Granget, A Malefakis, L Brambilla, JB Thomas, E Joseph
CeROArt 13, 2024
Analysis and assessment of degradation of polychrome metal artworks
S Russo
PhD Thesis, 2022
Revealing degradation patterns: Imaging Techniques for the study of metal soap formation on painted metal objects
S Russo, L Brambilla, JB Thomas, E Joseph
Metal 2022, proceedings of the interim meeting of the ICOM-CC metals working …, 2022
Conditions d’un dépôt optimal en libre accès des données de deux thèses de doctorat du projet ITN-CHANGE
C Degrigny, E Joseph, L Brambilla, A Siatou, S Russo
HE-Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2021
Innovative Approaches towards a Green and Sustainable Metal Conservation
E Joseph, M Albelda-Berenguer, E Cornet, L Cuvillier, S James, L Mathys, ...
CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry 74 (7-8), 611-611, 2020
Change cultural heritage analysis for new generation
S Russo, A Siatou, L Brambilla, E Joseph, C Degrigny
Metal 2019, 9th interim meeting of the ICOM-CC metals working group, 2019
Unusual Crystals in Wet Collections. Surfacing Degradation Products in 17th and 18thcentury Fluid-Preserved Anatomical Preparations
S Russo, AJ Van Dam, L Brambilla
Surfacing Degradation Products in 17th and 18thcentury Fluid-Preserved …, 0
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