Philippe Leleux
Philippe Leleux
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Genetics of nodulation in Aeschynomene evenia uncovers mechanisms of the rhizobium–legume symbiosis
J Quilbé, L Lamy, L Brottier, P Leleux, J Fardoux, R Rivallan, T Benichou, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 829, 2021
Targeted genomic enrichment and sequencing of CyHV-3 from carp tissues confirms low nucleotide diversity and mixed genotype infections
S Hammoumi, T Vallaeys, A Santika, P Leleux, E Borzym, C Klopp, ...
PeerJ 4, e2516, 2016
A gene-based map of the Nod factor-independent Aeschynomene evenia sheds new light on the evolution of nodulation and legume genomes
C Chaintreuil, R Rivallan, DJ Bertioli, C Klopp, J Gouzy, B Courtois, ...
DNA Research 23 (4), 365-376, 2016
Block low‐rank single precision coarse grid solvers for extreme scale multigrid methods
A Buttari, M Huber, P Leleux, T Mary, U Rüde, B Wohlmuth
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 29 (1), e2407, 2022
An integer linear programming approach for genome scaffolding
N Briot, A Chateau, R Coletta, S De Givry, P Leleux, T Schiex
WCB: Workshop on Constraint-Based Methods for Bioinformatics, 16 p., 2014
Solver comparison for Poisson-like equations on tokamak geometries
E Bourne, P Leleux, K Kormann, C Kruse, V Grandgirard, Y Güçlü, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 488, 112249, 2023
Row replicated block Cimmino
I Duff, P Leleux, D Ruiz, FS Torun
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45 (4), C207-C232, 2023
Hybrid direct and interactive solvers for sparse indefinite and overdetermined systems on future exascale architectures
P Leleux
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT; Friedrich-Alexander …, 2021
Genetics of nodulation in Aeschynomene evenia uncovers new mechanisms of the rhizobium-legume symbiosis
J Quilbé, L Lamy, L Brottier, P Leleux, J Fardoux, R Rivallan, T Benichou, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.11. 26.399428, 2020
An integer linear programming approach for genome scaffolding
B Nicolas, C Annie, R Coletta, S de Givry, P Leleux, S Thomas
Workshop on Constraint based Methods for Bioinformatics, 2015
Extensions of the augmented block Cimmino method to the solution of full rank rectangular systems
A Dumitrasc, P Leleux, C Popa, U Ruede, D Ruiz
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (5), S516-S539, 2021
Improving the scalability of the ABCD Solver with a combination of new load balancing and communication minimization techniques
I Duff, P Leleux, D Ruiz, FŞ Torun
Advances in Parallel Computing 36, 277-286, 2019
The augmented Block Cimmino algorithm revisited
A Dumitraşc, P Leleux, C Popa, D Ruiz, S Torun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11487, 2018
Bee together: Joining bee audio datasets for hive extrapolation in AI-based monitoring
A Bricout, P Leleux, P Acco, C Escriba, JY Fourniols, G Soto-Romero, ...
Sensors 24 (18), 6067, 2024
Complexity analysis and scalability of a matrix-free extrapolated geometric multigrid solver for curvilinear coordinates representations from fusion plasma applications
P Leleux, C Schwarz, MJ Kühn, C Kruse, U Rüde
On numerical solution of full rank linear systems
A Dumitrasc, P Leleux, C Popa, D Ruiz, U Ruede
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11746, 2019
GMGPolar v1. 0.2
P Leleux, MJ Kühn, C Schwarz, C Kruse, U Rüde, A Kuhn
zenodo, 2023
PB1764: Segmentation and classification of Bone Marrow Cells from multi-precision numerization of Bone Marrow Smears (BMS) from patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) using …
A Bennis, P Leleux, A Canali, C De Pourtales, S Mouysset, D Simoncini, ...
HemaSphere 7 (Suppl), e5127496, 2023
Non-uniform meshes in gyrokinetic simulations
B Emily, V Grandgirard, Y Munschy, P Leleux, C Kruse, K Kormann
NumKin 2022-Numerical methods for the kinetic equations of plasma physics, 2022
Non-uniform meshes in Gyrokinetic Simulations
E Bourne
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