Miguel Angel Santos
Miguel Angel Santos
Dean, School of Government and Public Transformation at TEC de Monterrey
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One more resource curse: Dutch disease and export concentration
D Bahar, MA Santos
Journal of Development Economics 132, 102-114, 2018
Venezuela: Un Acuerdo para Alcanzar el Desarrollo
L España, M Gonzalez, M Santos, R Villasmil
Editado por El Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la UCAB. Caracas …, 2006
La Complejidad Económica de Chiapas: Análisis de Capacidades y Oportunidades de Diversificación Productiva (The Economic Complexity of Chiapas: Analysis of Capabilities and …
M Santos, R Hausmann, T Cheston
Harvard Center for International Development Faculty Working Paper Series, 2015
Special Economic Zones in Panama: Technology spillovers from a labor market perspective
R Hausmann, J Obach, MA Santos
Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series, 2016
Panama beyond the Canal: Using Technological Proximities to Identify Opportunities for Productive Diversification
R Hausmann, JRM Arilla, MA Santos
Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series, 2016
Female labor in Jordan: a systematic approach to the exclusion puzzle
S Kaasolu, T O'Brien, R Hausmann, M Santos
Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series 365, 2019
Shifting gears: A growth diagnostic of Panama
R Hausmann, L Espinoza, M Santos
Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series, 2016
Impact of the 2017 sanctions on Venezuela: Revisiting the evidence
D Bahar, S Bustos, J Morales-Arilla, MA Santos
Brookings Institution, 2019
The Low Productivity Trap: Growth Diagnostics of Chiapas
R Hausmann, L Espinoza, MA Santos
Executive Summary. Center for International Development Working Paper 304, 2015
Place-specific determinants of income gaps: New sub-national evidence from Mexico
R Hausmann, C Pietrobelli, MA Santos
Journal of Business Research 131, 782-792, 2021
From financial repression to external distress: The case of Venezuela
CM Reinhart, MA Santos
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 52 (2), 255-284, 2016
A roadmap for investment promotion and export diversification: The case for Jordan
R Hausmann, P Goldstein, A Grisanti, T O'Brien, JA Tapia, MA Santos
CID Working Paper Series, 2020
Why is Chiapas Poor?
D Levy, R Hausmann, M Santos, L Espinoza, M Flores
Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series, 2016
Expropriation risk and housing prices: Evidence from an emerging market
V Contreras, U Garay, MA Santos, C Betancourt
Journal of Business Research 67 (5), 935-942, 2014
Jordan: The elements of a growth strategy
R Hausmann, T O'Brien, MA Santos, A Grisanti, S Kasoolu, N Taniparti, ...
CID Working Paper Series, 2019
Venezuela: Running on Empty
M Santos
Lasa Forum 48 (1), 2017
Estrategias en tiempos de turbulencia: las empresas venezolanas
M Penfold-Becerra, R Vainrub
Ediciones IESA, 2009
Appraising the Economic Potential of Panama: Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
M Santos, R Hausmann, J Obach
CID Faculty Working Paper, 2017
Loreto’s Hidden Wealth: Economic Complexity Analysis and Productive Diversification Opportunities
A Grisanti, JT Pye, MA Santos, R Hausmann, Y Li
Harvard CID Faculty Working Paper Series, 2021
Diagnosing Human Capital As a Binding Constraint to Growth
F Hani, MÁ Santos
Cambridge University Press, 2021
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