Oliver Masakure
Oliver Masakure
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Cited by
Why do small-scale producers choose to produce under contract? Lessons from nontraditional vegetable exports from Zimbabwe
O Masakure, S Henson
World Development 33 (10), 1721-1733, 2005
Strategic use of private standards to enhance international competitiveness: Vegetable exports from Kenya and elsewhere
S Jaffee, O Masakure
Food Policy 30 (3), 316-333, 2005
Do fresh produce exporters in sub-Saharan Africa benefit from GlobalGAP certification?
S Henson, O Masakure, J Cranfield
World Development 39 (3), 375-386, 2011
Private food safety and quality standards for fresh produce exporters: The case of Hortico Agrisystems, Zimbabwe
S Henson, O Masakure, D Boselie
Food policy 30 (4), 371-384, 2005
Consumer assessment of the safety of restaurants: The role of inspection notices and other information cues
S Henson, S Majowicz, O Masakure, P Sockett, A Jones, R Hart, D Carr, ...
Journal of food Safety 26 (4), 275-301, 2006
An assessment of consumer preference for fair trade coffee in Toronto and Vancouver
J Cranfield, S Henson, J Northey, O Masakure
Agribusiness 26 (2), 307-325, 2010
Performance of microenterprises in Ghana: A resource‐based view
O Masakure, S Henson, J Cranfield
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 16 (3), 466-484, 2009
Standards and export performance in developing countries: Evidence from Pakistan
O Masakure, S Henson, J Cranfield
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 18 (3), 395-419, 2009
The financial performance of non-farm microenterprises in Ghana
O Masakure, J Cranfield, S Henson
World Development 36 (12), 2733-2762, 2008
The effect of employee loyalty on wages
O Masakure
Journal of Economic Psychology 56, 274-298, 2016
The propensity for consumers to offset health risks through the use of functional foods and nutraceuticals: The case of lycopene
S Henson, O Masakure, J Cranfield
Food quality and preference 19 (4), 395-406, 2008
Estimation of the costs of acute gastrointestinal illness in British Columbia, Canada
SJ Henson, SE Majowicz, O Masakure, PN Sockett, L MacDougall, ...
International journal of food microbiology 127 (1-2), 43-52, 2008
Factors affecting the extent to which consumers incorporate functional ingredients into their diets
J Cranfield, S Henson, O Masakure
Journal of Agricultural Economics 62 (2), 375-392, 2011
Factors affecting the incidence and intensity of standards certification evidence from exporting firms in Pakistan
O Masakure, J Cranfield, S Henson
Applied Economics 43 (8), 901-915, 2011
Disrupting an imposed racial identity or performing the model minority? The pursuit of postsecondary education by young African immigrant men in Southern Ontario, Canada
S Wilson-Forsberg, O Masakure, E Shizha, G Lafrenière, ...
Race Ethnicity and Education 23 (5), 693-711, 2020
Education and entrepreneurship in Canada: evidence from (repeated) cross-sectional data
O Masakure
Education Economics 23 (6), 693-712, 2015
African immigrant students and postsecondary education in Canada: High school teachers and school career counsellors as gatekeepers
E Shizha, AA Abdi, S Wilson-Forsberg, O Masakure
Canadian Ethnic Studies 52 (3), 67-86, 2020
Poverty and physical well-being among the coloured population in South Africa
K Inwood, O Masakure
Economic History of Developing Regions 28 (2), 56-82, 2013
Review of Developing Country Needs and Involvement in International Standards-Setting Bodies
S Henson, K Preibisch, O Masakure
University of Reading, Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, 2001
The Participation of smallholder farmers in high-value export markets governed by standards: the role of exporter procurement practices
S Henson, S Jaffee, O Masakure
Non-tariff measures with market imperfections: trade and welfare implications 12, 2013
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Articles 1–20