13. Tracing Fluid Origin, Transport and Interaction in the Crust CJ Ballentine, R Burgess, B Marty Rev. Mineral. Geochem 47, 539-614, 2002 | 591 | 2002 |
Fluid inclusion noble gas and halogen evidence on the origin of Cu-Porphyry mineralising fluids MA Kendrick, R Burgess, RAD Pattrick, G Turner Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (16), 2651-2668, 2001 | 288 | 2001 |
Nitrogen isotopic composition and density of the Archean atmosphere B Marty, L Zimmermann, M Pujol, R Burgess, P Philippot Science 342 (6154), 101-104, 2013 | 197 | 2013 |
Noble gas and halogen geochemistry of mantle fluids: comparison of African and Canadian diamonds LH Johnson, R Burgess, G Turner, HJ Milledge, JW Harris Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (4), 717-732, 2000 | 166 | 2000 |
Late Neoproterozoic overprinting of the cassiterite and columbite-tantalite bearing pegmatites of the Gatumba area, Rwanda (Central Africa) S Dewaele, F Henjes-Kunst, F Melcher, M Sitnikova, R Burgess, A Gerdes, ... Journal of African Earth Sciences 61 (1), 10-26, 2011 | 161 | 2011 |
Seawater-derived noble gases and halogens preserved in exhumed mantle wedge peridotite H Sumino, R Burgess, T Mizukami, SR Wallis, G Holland, CJ Ballentine Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (1-2), 163-172, 2010 | 135 | 2010 |
Hydrothermal fluid origins in Mississippi valley-type ore districts: combined noble gas (He, Ar, Kr) and halogen (Cl, Br, I) analysis of fluid inclusions from the Illinois … MA Kendrick, R Burgess, D Leach, RAD Pattrick Economic Geology 97 (3), 453-469, 2002 | 126 | 2002 |
Helium–strontium isotope constraints on mantle evolution beneath the Roman Comagmatic Province, Italy M Martelli, PM Nuccio, FM Stuart, R Burgess, RM Ellam, F Italiano Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (3-4), 295-308, 2004 | 125 | 2004 |
Evolution of atmospheric xenon and other noble gases inferred from Archean to Paleoproterozoic rocks G Avice, B Marty, R Burgess, A Hofmann, P Philippot, K Zahnle, ... Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 232, 82-100, 2018 | 124 | 2018 |
Argon isotopic composition of Archaean atmosphere probes early Earth geodynamics M Pujol, B Marty, R Burgess, G Turner, P Philippot Nature 498 (7452), 87-90, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Chondritic-like xenon trapped in Archean rocks: a possible signature of the ancient atmosphere M Pujol, B Marty, R Burgess Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308 (3-4), 298-306, 2011 | 115 | 2011 |
Halogen and Ar–Ar age determinations of inclusions within quartz veins from porphyry copper deposits using complementary noble gas extraction techniques MA Kendrick, R Burgess, RAD Pattrick, G Turner Chemical Geology 177 (3-4), 351-370, 2001 | 113 | 2001 |
Constraints on the age and halogen composition of mantle fluids in Siberian coated diamonds R Burgess, E Layzelle, G Turner, JW Harris Earth and Planetary Science Letters 197 (3-4), 193-203, 2002 | 111 | 2002 |
Diamondiferous kimberlites in central India synchronous with Deccan flood basalts B Lehmann, R Burgess, D Frei, B Belyatsky, D Mainkar, NVC Rao, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290 (1-2), 142-149, 2010 | 108 | 2010 |
Hydrothermal fluid origins in a fluorite-rich Mississippi Valley-type district: combined noble gas (He, Ar, Kr) and halogen (Cl, Br, I) analysis of fluid inclusions from the … MA Kendrick, R Burgess, RAD Pattrick, G Turner Economic Geology 97 (3), 435-451, 2002 | 104 | 2002 |
Halogens in chondritic meteorites and terrestrial accretion PL Clay, R Burgess, H Busemann, L Ruzié-Hamilton, B Joachim, ... Nature 551 (7682), 614-618, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
The helium flux from the continents and ubiquity of low-3He/4He recycled crust and lithosphere JMD Day, PH Barry, DR Hilton, R Burgess, DG Pearson, LA Taylor Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 153, 116-133, 2015 | 102 | 2015 |
Northwest Africa 032: Product of lunar volcanism TJ Fagan, GJ Taylor, K Keil, TE Bunch, JH Wittke, RL Korotev, BL Jolliff, ... Meteoritics & Planetary Science 37 (3), 371-394, 2002 | 101 | 2002 |
New age constraints for the geodynamic evolution of the Sistan Suture Zone, eastern Iran M Bröcker, GF Rad, R Burgess, S Theunissen, I Paderin, N Rodionov, ... Lithos 170, 17-34, 2013 | 94 | 2013 |
40Ar39Ar analysis of perthite microtextures and fluid inclusions in alkali feldspars from the Klokken syenite, South Greenland R Burgess, SP Kelley, I Parsons, FDL Walker, RH Worden Earth and Planetary Science Letters 109 (1-2), 147-167, 1992 | 91 | 1992 |