Colin Fontaine
Colin Fontaine
Centre d'Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation - CNRS - MNHN
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Stability of ecological communities and the architecture of mutualistic and trophic networks
E Thébault, C Fontaine
Science 329 (5993), 853-856, 2010
Functional diversity of plant–pollinator interaction webs enhances the persistence of plant communities
C Fontaine, I Dajoz, J Meriguet, M Loreau
PLoS Biology 4 (1), e1, 2005
Artificial light at night as a new threat to pollination
E Knop, L Zoller, R Ryser, C Gerpe, M Hörler, C Fontaine
Nature 548 (7666), 206-209, 2017
Ecophylogenetics: advances and perspectives
N Mouquet, V Devictor, CN Meynard, F Munoz, LF Bersier, J Chave, ...
Biological reviews 87 (4), 769-785, 2012
The ecological and evolutionary implications of merging different types of networks
C Fontaine, PR Guimarães, S Kéfi, N Loeuille, J Memmott, ...
Ecology letters 14 (11), 1170-1181, 2011
Massively introduced managed species and their consequences for plant–pollinator interactions
B Geslin, B Gauzens, M Baude, I Dajoz, C Fontaine, M Henry, L Ropars, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 57, 147-199, 2017
Large-scale trade-off between agricultural intensification and crop pollination services
N Deguines, C Jono, M Baude, M Henry, R Julliard, C Fontaine
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (4), 212-217, 2014
Generalist foraging of pollinators: diet expansion at high density
C Fontaine, CL Collin, I Dajoz
Journal of Ecology 96 (5), 1002-1010, 2008
Advancing our understanding of ecological stability
S Kéfi, V Domínguez‐García, I Donohue, C Fontaine, E Thébault, V Dakos
Ecology letters 22 (9), 1349-1356, 2019
The Whereabouts of Flower Visitors: Contrasting Land-Use Preferences Revealed by a Country-Wide Survey Based on Citizen Science
N Deguines, R Julliard, M de Flores, C Fontaine
PLOS ONE 7 (9), e45822, 2012
Functional homogenization of flower visitor communities with urbanization
N Deguines, R Julliard, M Flores, C Fontaine
Ecology and Evolution, 2016
Wild pollinator activity negatively related to honey bee colony densities in urban context
L Ropars, I Dajoz, C Fontaine, A Muratet, B Geslin
PloS one 14 (9), e0222316, 2019
New Species in the Old World: Europe as a Frontier in Biodiversity Exploration, a Test Bed for 21st Century Taxonomy
B Fontaine, K van Achterberg, MA Alonso-Zarazaga, R Araujo, M Asche, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e36881, 2012
Which 2: 1 clay minerals are involved in the soil potassium reservoir? Insights from potassium addition or removal experiments on three temperate grassland soil clay assemblages
P Barré, B Velde, C Fontaine, N Catel, L Abbadie
Geoderma 146 (1), 216-223, 2008
Structure–stability relationships in networks combining mutualistic and antagonistic interactions
A Sauve, C Fontaine, E Thébault
Oikos 123 (3), 378–384, 2014
Altitudinal, temporal and trophic partitioning of flower-visitors in Alpine communities
V Lefebvre, C Villemant, C Fontaine, C Daugeron
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4706, 2018
Phenological shifts alter the seasonal structure of pollinator assemblages in Europe
F Duchenne, E Thébault, D Michez, M Elias, M Drake, M Persson, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (1), 115-121, 2020
Are insect pollinators more generalist than insect herbivores?
C Fontaine, E Thébault, I Dajoz
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1669), 3027-3033, 2009
Invasions toolkit: current methods for tracking the spread and impact of invasive species
S Kamenova, TJ Bartley, DA Bohan, JR Boutain, RI Colautti, I Domaizon, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 56, 85-182, 2017
The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management
MJO Pocock, DM Evans, C Fontaine, M Harvey, R Julliard, Ó McLaughlin, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 54, 41-85, 2016
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