Guillaume Caumon
Guillaume Caumon
ENSG Professor in Numerical Geology, Univ Lorraine and IUF
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Surface-based 3D modeling of geological structures
G Caumon, P Collon-Drouaillet, CLC De Veslud, S Viseur, J Sausse
Mathematical Geosciences 41 (8), 927-945, 2009
3-D Structural geological models: Concepts, methods, and uncertainties
F Wellmann, G Caumon
Advances in Geophysics 59, 1-121, 2018
Building realistic structure models to train convolutional neural networks for seismic structural interpretation
X Wu, Z Geng, Y Shi, N Pham, S Fomel, G Caumon
Geophysics 85 (4), WA27-WA39, 2020
Concurrent number cruncher: a GPU implementation of a general sparse linear solver
L Buatois, G Caumon, B Lévy
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 24 (3 …, 2009
Three-Dimensional Implicit Stratigraphic Model Building From Remote Sensing Data on Tetrahedral Meshes: Theory and Application to a Regional Model of La Popa Basin, NE Mexico
G Caumon, G Gray, C Antoine, MO Titeux
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (3), 1613 - 1621, 2013
Building and editing a sealed geological model
G Caumon, F Lepage, CH Sword, JL Mallet
Mathematical Geology 36 (4), 405-424, 2004
Dynamic data integration for structural modeling: model screening approach using a distance-based model parameterization
S Suzuki, G Caumon, J Caers
Computational Geosciences 12 (1), 105-119, 2008
Concurrent number cruncher: An efficient sparse linear solver on the GPU
L Buatois, G Caumon, B Lévy
International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications …, 2007
Stochastic simulations of fault networks in 3D structural modeling
N Cherpeau, G Caumon, B Lévy
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 342 (9), 687-694, 2010
Balanced restoration of geological volumes with relaxed meshing constraints
P Durand-Riard, G Caumon, P Muron
Computers & Geosciences 36 (4), 441-452, 2010
Towards stochastic time-varying geological modeling
G Caumon
Mathematical Geosciences 42 (5), 555-569, 2010
Method for Stochastic Inverse Modeling of Fault Geometry and Connectivity Using Flow Data
N Cherpeau, G Caumon, J Caers, B Lévy
Mathematical Geosciences 42 (2), 147-168, 2012
Automatic surface remeshing of 3D structural models at specified resolution: A method based on Voronoi diagrams
J Pellerin, B Lévy, G Caumon, A Botella
Computers & Geosciences 62, 103-116, 2014
Implicit modeling of folds and overprinting deformation
G Laurent, L Ailleres, L Grose, G Caumon, M Jessell, R Armit
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 456, 26-38, 2016
Curvature attribute from surface-restoration as predictor variable in Kupferschiefer copper potentials
P Mejía-Herrera, JJ Royer, G Caumon, A Cheilletz
Natural Resources Research 24 (3), 275-290, 2015
Adjacent versus coincident representations of geospatial uncertainty: Which promote better decisions?
T Viard, G Caumon, B Levy
Computers & Geosciences 37 (4), 511-520, 2011
3D geomodelling combining implicit surfaces and Voronoi-based remeshing: A case study in the Lorraine Coal Basin (France)
P Collon, W Steckiewicz-Laurent, J Pellerin, G Laurent, G Caumon, ...
Computers & Geosciences 77, 29-43, 2015
Stochastic structural modelling in sparse data situations
N Cherpeau, G Caumon
Petroleum Geoscience 21 (4), 233-247, 2015
A parametric method to model 3D displacements around faults with volumetric vector fields
G Laurent, G Caumon, A Bouziat, M Jessell
Tectonophysics 590, 83-93, 2013
RINGMesh: A programming library for developing mesh-based geomodeling applications
J Pellerin, A Botella, F Bonneau, A Mazuyer, B Chauvin, B Lévy, ...
Computers & Geosciences 104, 93-100, 2017
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Articles 1–20