Denis Brizard
Denis Brizard
Chargé de Recherche, LBMC, Ifsttar/UCBL
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Performances of some reduced bases for the stability analysis of a disc/pads system in sliding contact
D Brizard, O Chiello, JJ Sinou, X Lorang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (4), 703-720, 2011
A Kriging–NARX model for uncertainty quantification of nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems in time domain
B Bhattacharyya, E Jacquelin, D Brizard
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (7), 04020070, 2020
Random dynamical system in time domain: A POD-PC model
E Jacquelin, N Baldanzini, B Bhattacharyya, D Brizard, M Pierini
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 133, 106251, 2019
Estimating measurement uncertainty on stress-strain curves from SHPB
D Brizard, S Ronel, E Jacquelin
Experimental Mechanics 57, 735-742, 2017
Uncertainty quantification of stochastic impact dynamic oscillator using a proper orthogonal decomposition-polynomial chaos expansion technique
B Bhattacharyya, E Jacquelin, D Brizard
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 142 (6), 061013, 2020
Sensitivity analysis of complex engineering systems: Approaches study and their application to vehicle restraint system crash simulation
G Qian, M Massenzio, D Brizard, M Ichchou
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 187, 110-118, 2019
Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis of longitudinal wave propagation in circular bars. Application to SHPB device
D Brizard, E Jacquelin
International Journal of Solids and Structures 134, 264-271, 2018
Determinantal method for locally modified structures. Application to the vibration damping of a space launcher
D Brizard, S Besset, L Jézéquel, B Troclet
Computational Mechanics 50, 631-644, 2012
Uncertainty quantification of nonlinear stochastic dynamic problem using a Kriging-NARX surrogate model
B Bhattacharyya, E Jacquelin, D Brizard
3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational …, 2019
Polynomial mode approximation for longitudinal wave dispersion in circular rods
D Brizard, E Jacquelin, S Ronel
Journal of Sound and Vibration 439, 388-397, 2019
A screening method to analyse the sensitivity of a lower limb multibody kinematic model
E Jacquelin, D Brizard, R Dumas
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019
An impact test to determine the wave speed in SHPB: Measurement and uncertainty
D Brizard
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 6 (1), 45-52, 2020
Study of the possible relationships between tramway front-end geometry and pedestrian injury risk
MC Chevalier, D Brizard, P Beillas
Traffic injury prevention 20 (1), 107-113, 2019
Design and test of a friction damper to reduce engine vibrations on a space launcher
D Brizard, S Besset, L Jézéquel, B Troclet
Archive of Applied Mechanics 83, 799-815, 2013
Stochastic analysis of a crash box under impact loading by an adaptive POD-PCE model
B Bhattacharyya, E Jacquelin, D Brizard
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (8), 229, 2022
In vivo assessment of elasticity of child rib cortical bone using quantitative computed tomography
Y Zhu, F Bermond, J Payen de la Garanderie, JB Pialat, B Sandoz, ...
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2017 (1), 2471368, 2017
Inter-laboratory reproduction and sensitivity study of a finite element model to quantify human femur failure load: Case of metastases
M Gardegaront, A Sas, D Brizard, A Levillain, F Bermond, CB Confavreux, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 158, 106676, 2024
Inter-laboratory replicability and sensitivity study of a finite element model to quantify human femur failure load: case of metastases
M Gardegaront, A Sas, D Brizard, A Levillain, F Bermond, CB Confavreux, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.09210, 2024
Impact conditions of motorcyclists on road protection systems by numerical simulation
L Peng, D Brizard, M Massenzio
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 82 (2), 233-244, 2022
Time-domain response of damped stochastic multiple-degree-of-freedom systems
E Jacquelin, D Brizard, S Adhikari, MI Friswell
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (1), 06019005, 2020
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