Jean-François CHAILAN
Jean-François CHAILAN
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Morphology and thermal properties of PLA–cellulose nanofibers composites
AN Frone, S Berlioz, JF Chailan, DM Panaitescu
Carbohydrate polymers 91 (1), 377-384, 2013
Cellulose fiber‐reinforced polylactic acid
AN Frone, S Berlioz, JF Chailan, DM Panaitescu, D Donescu
Polymer Composites 32 (6), 976-985, 2011
Study of the moisture/stress effects on glass fibre/epoxy composite and the impact of the interphase area
Y Joliff, W Rekik, L Bélec, JF Chailan
Composite Structures 108, 876-885, 2014
Modified water diffusion kinetics in an unidirectional glass/fibre composite due to the interphase area: Experimental, analytical and numerical approach
Y Joliff, L Bélec, JF Chailan
Composite Structures 97, 296-303, 2013
Mechanical properties of proton-conducting sulfonated aromatic polymer membranes: Stress–strain tests and dynamical analysis
E Sgreccia, JF Chailan, M Khadhraoui, ML Di Vona, P Knauth
Journal of Power Sources 195 (23), 7770-7775, 2010
Comparative effects of humid tropical weathering and artificial ageing on a model composite properties from nano-to macro-scale
L Belec, TH Nguyen, DL Nguyen, JF Chailan
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 68, 235-241, 2015
Experimental, analytical and numerical study of water diffusion in unidirectional composite materials–Interphase impact
Y Joliff, L Bélec, MB Heman, JF Chailan
Computational Materials Science 64, 141-145, 2012
Composite polymer electrolytes of sulfonated poly-ether-ether-ketone (SPEEK) with organically functionalized TiO2
ML Di Vona, E Sgreccia, A Donnadio, M Casciola, JF Chailan, G Auer, ...
Journal of membrane science 369 (1-2), 536-544, 2011
Curing of cyanate ester resin: a novel approach based on FTIR spectroscopy and comparison with other techniques
P Bartolomeo, JF Chailan, JL Vernet
European Polymer Journal 37 (4), 659-670, 2001
Effect of interphase region on the elastic behavior of unidirectional glass-fiber/epoxy composites
L Riaño, L Belec, JF Chailan, Y Joliff
Composite Structures 198, 109-116, 2018
Mechanical properties of anion exchange membranes by combination of tensile stress–strain tests and dynamic mechanical analysis
R Narducci, JF Chailan, A Fahs, L Pasquini, ML Di Vona, P Knauth
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54 (12), 1180-1187, 2016
Improving adhesion of powder coating on PEEK composite: Influence of atmospheric plasma parameters
A Dupuis, TH Ho, A Fahs, A Lafabrier, G Louarn, J Bacharouche, ...
Applied Surface Science 357, 1196-1204, 2015
Incorporation of kaolin fillers into an epoxy/polyamidoamine matrix for coatings
A Astruc, E Joliff, JF Chailan, E Aragon, CO Petter, CH Sampaio
Progress in organic Coatings 65 (1), 158-168, 2009
Glass fibre sizing effect on dynamic mechanical properties of cyanate ester composites I. Single frequency investigations
S Mallarino, JF Chailan, JL Vernet
European Polymer Journal 41 (8), 1804-1811, 2005
Thermal crosslinked and nanodiamond reinforced SPEEK composite membrane for PEMFC
H Hou, R Polini, ML Di Vona, X Liu, E Sgreccia, JF Chailan, P Knauth
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (8), 3346-3351, 2013
Self-assembled nanocomposite organic–inorganic proton conducting sulfonated poly-ether-ether-ketone (SPEEK)-based membranes: optimized mechanical, thermal and electrical properties
E Sgreccia, ML Di Vona, S Licoccia, M Sganappa, M Casciola, JF Chailan, ...
Journal of power Sources 192 (2), 353-359, 2009
Viscoelastic and dielectric study of thermally aged ethylene—propylene diene monomer (EPDM) compounds
JF Chailan, G Boiteux, J Chauchard, B Pinel, G Seytre
Polymer degradation and stability 47 (3), 397-403, 1995
Crosslinked SPEEK membranes: Mechanical, thermal, and hydrothermal properties
H Hou, B Maranesi, JF Chailan, M Khadhraoui, R Polini, ML Di Vona, ...
Journal of Materials Research 27 (15), 1950-1957, 2012
Photo-oxidative degradation behavior of linseed oil based epoxy resin
A Dupuis, FX Perrin, AU Torres, JP Habas, L Belec, JF Chailan
Polymer Degradation and Stability 135, 73-84, 2017
Effects of thermal degradation on the viscoelastic and dielectric properties of chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) compounds
JF Chailan, G Boiteux, J Chauchard, B Pinel, G Seytre
Polymer degradation and stability 48 (1), 61-65, 1995
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