Jiří Novák
Jiří Novák
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Impact of untreated wastewater on a major European river evaluated with a combination of in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis
M König, BI Escher, PA Neale, M Krauss, K Hilscherová, J Novák, ...
Environmental pollution 220, 1220-1230, 2017
Development of a bioanalytical test battery for water quality monitoring: Fingerprinting identified micropollutants and their contribution to effects in surface water
PA Neale, R Altenburger, S Aït-Aïssa, F Brion, W Busch, ...
Water research 123, 734-750, 2017
Linking in Vitro Effects and Detected Organic Micropollutants in Surface Water Using Mixture-Toxicity Modeling
PA Neale, S Ait-Aissa, W Brack, N Creusot, MS Denison, B Deutschmann, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (24), 14614-14624, 2015
Integrating chemical analysis and bioanalysis to evaluate the contribution of wastewater effluent on the micropollutant burden in small streams
PA Neale, NA Munz, S Aїt-Aїssa, R Altenburger, F Brion, W Busch, ...
Science of the Total Environment 576, 785-795, 2017
Mixture effects in samples of multiple contaminants–An inter-laboratory study with manifold bioassays
R Altenburger, M Scholze, W Busch, BI Escher, G Jakobs, M Krauss, ...
Environment international 114, 95-106, 2018
Disruption of retinoid transport, metabolism and signaling by environmental pollutants
J Novák, M Beníšek, K Hilscherová
Environment international 34 (6), 898-913, 2008
Composition and effects of inhalable size fractions of atmospheric aerosols in the polluted atmosphere. Part II. In vitro biological potencies
J Novák, K Hilscherová, L Landlová, P Čupr, L Kohút, JP Giesy, J Klánová
Environment international 63, 64-70, 2014
Pollutants in particulate and gaseous fractions of ambient air interfere with multiple signaling pathways in vitro
J Novák, V Jálová, JP Giesy, K Hilscherová
Environment international 35 (1), 43-49, 2009
Effect-based monitoring of the Danube River using mobile passive sampling
J Novák, B Vrana, T Rusina, K Okonski, R Grabic, PA Neale, BI Escher, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 2018
Mobile dynamic passive sampling of trace organic compounds: Evaluation of sampler performance in the Danube River
B Vrana, F Smedes, I Allan, T Rusina, K Okonski, K Hilscherová, J Novák, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 2018
Sources and distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and toxicity of polluted atmosphere aerosols
G Lammel, J Novák, L Landlová, A Dvorská, J Klánová, P Čupr, ...
Urban Airborne Particulate Matter, 39-62, 2010
Effect-based assessment of passive air samples from four countries in Eastern Europe
A Érseková, K Hilscherová, J Klánová, JP Giesy, J Novák
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186 (6), 3905-3916, 2014
Interference of contaminated sediment extracts and environmental pollutants with retinoid signaling
J Novák, M Benís̆ek, J Pacherník, J Janos̆ek, T S̆idlová, H Kiviranta, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 26 (8), 1591-1599, 2007
Dioxin-like and endocrine disruptive activity of traffic-contaminated soil samples
T Šídlová, J Novák, J Janošek, P Anděl, JP Giesy, K Hilscherová
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 57 (4), 639-650, 2009
29 Passive sampling: chemical analysis and toxicological profiling
B Vrana, F Smedes, T Rusina, K Okonski, I Allan, M Grung, K Hilscherova, ...
In vitro effects of pollutants from particulate and volatile fractions of air samples—day and night variability
J Novák, JP Giesy, J Klánová, K Hilscherová
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (9), 6620-6627, 2013
Large volume sampling and effect-based screening
T Schulze, M Krauss, J Novak, K Hilscherova, S Ait-Aissa, N Creusot, ...
Joint Danube Survey 3, 284-295, 2015
Acute Systemic Toxicity: Alternative in Vivo and in Vitro Methods
P Kubincova, J Novak, I Sovadinova
CHEMICKE LISTY 110 (2), 118-125, 2016
Chemical and toxicological profiling of large rivers using mobile passive sampling and comparison to large volume active sampling
K Hilscherova, B Vrana, J Novak, F Smedes, T Rusina, K Okonski, ...
27. SETAC Europe annual meeting, 2017
Zvýšení toxicity perzistentních organických polutantů v přítomnosti huminových látek
M Bittner, J Novák, JP Giesy, K Hilscherová
Bull. VÚRH Vodňany 46, 39-45, 2010
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