Alberto Marquez
Alberto Marquez
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
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Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia
P Gómez-Gálvez, P Vicente-Munuera, A Tagua, C Forja, AM Castro, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-14, 2018
Rebuilding convex sets in graphs
J Cáceres, A Márquez, OR Oellermann, ML Puertas
Discrete Mathematics 297 (1-3), 26-37, 2005
Compatible geometric matchings
O Aichholzer, S Bereg, A Dumitrescu, A García, C Huemer, F Hurtado, ...
Computational Geometry 42 (6-7), 617-626, 2009
Triangle-free planar graphs and segment intersection graphs
N de Castro, FJ Cobos, JC Dana, A Márquez, M Noy
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 6 (1), 7-26, 2002
Steiner distance and convexity in graphs
J Cáceres, A Márquez, ML Puertas
European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (3), 726-736, 2008
Computational geometry on surfaces: performing computational geometry on the cylinder, the sphere, the torus, and the cone
CI Grima, A Márquez
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Resolving sets for Johnson and Kneser graphs
RF Bailey, J Cáceres, D Garijo, A González, A Márquez, K Meagher, ...
European Journal of Combinatorics 34 (4), 736-751, 2013
MONACO-multi-objective network optimisation based on an ACO
P Cardoso, M Jesus, A Márquez Pérez
EGC 2003: X Encuentros de Geometría Computacional (2003)., 2003
Geometric tree graphs of points in convex position
MC Hernando, F Hurtado, A Márquez, M Mora, M Noy
Discrete Applied Mathematics 93 (1), 51-66, 1999
The difference between the metric dimension and the determining number of a graph
D Garijo, A González, A Márquez
Applied Mathematics and Computation 249, 487-501, 2014
Locally grid graphs: classification and Tutte uniqueness
A Márquez, A de Mier, M Noy, MP Revuelta
Discrete mathematics 266 (1-3), 327-352, 2003
Labeling subway lines
MÁ Garrido, C Iturriaga, A Márquez, JR Portillo, P Reyes, A Wolff
Algorithms and Computation: 12th International Symposium, ISAAC 2001 …, 2001
The determining number of Kneser graphs
J Cáceres, D Garijo, A González, A Márquez, ML Puertas
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 15 (Graph Theory), 2013
On a visibility representation of graphs
FJ Cobos, JC Dana, F Hurtado, A Márquez, F Mateos
Graph Drawing: Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD'95 Passau, Germany, September …, 1996
Proper homotopy classification of graphs
R Ayala, E Dominguez, A Márquez, A Quintero
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 22 (5), 417-421, 1990
On the metric dimension, the upper dimension and the resolving number of graphs
D Garijo, A González, A Márquez
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (10-11), 1440-1447, 2013
The seven-triangle longest-side partition of triangles and mesh quality improvement
A Márquez, A Moreno-González, Á Plaza, JP Suárez
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 44 (12-13), 748-758, 2008
A new 2D tessellation for angle problems: The polar diagram
CI Grima, A Marquez, L Ortega
Computational Geometry 34 (2), 58-74, 2006
A locus approach to angle problems in computational geometry
CI Grima, A Márquez, L Ortega
Proc. of 14th European Workshop in Computational Geometry, Barcelona, 1998
Lusternik-Schnirelmann invariants in proper homotopy theory
R Ayala, E Domínguez Murillo, A Márquez Pérez, A Quintero
Pacific journal of mathematics 153 (2), 201-215, 1992
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