Francesco Corcoglioniti
Francesco Corcoglioniti
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
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Cited by
Frame-based ontology population with PIKES
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, AP Aprosio
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (12), 3261-3275, 2016
Processing Billions of RDF Triples on a Single Machine using Streaming and Sorting
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, M Mostarda, M Amadori
The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2015), 368-375, 2015
Knowledge Extraction for Information Retrieval
F Corcoglioniti, M Dragoni, M Rospocher, AP Aprosio
ESWC 2016 Research Track, to appear, 2016
A 2-phase Frame-based Knowledge Extraction Framework
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, AP Aprosio
The 31th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2016), to appear, 2016
Supervised Opinion Frames Detection with RAID
A Palmero Aprosio, F Corcoglioniti, M Dragoni, M Rospocher
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges, 251-263, 2015
The KnowledgeStore: a Storage Framework for Interlinking Unstructured and Structured Knowledge
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, R Cattoni, B Magnini, L Serafini
Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 11 (2), 1-35, 2015
The KnowledgeStore: an Entity-Based Storage System.
R Cattoni, F Corcoglioniti, C Girardi, B Magnini, L Serafini, R Zanoli
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), 3639-3646, 2012
PreMOn: a Lemon Extension for Exposing Predicate Models as Linked Data
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, AP Aprosio, S Tonelli
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), to appear, 2016
Interlinking unstructured and structured knowledge in an integrated framework
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, R Cattoni, B Magnini, L Serafini
IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2013), 40-47, 2013
A systematic overview of data federation systems
Z Gu, F Corcoglioniti, D Lanti, A Mosca, G Xiao, J Xiong, D Calvanese
Semantic Web, 1-59, 2024
Concealing Interests of Passive Users in Social Media.
Y Nechaev, F Corcoglioniti, C Giuliano
BlackMirror@ ISWC, 2017
Extracting Knowledge from Text with PIKES
F Corcoglioniti, M Rospocher, A Palmero Aprosio
ISWC 2015 Posters & Demonstrations Track 1486, 2015
PreMOn: LODifing linguistic predicate models
M Rospocher, F Corcoglioniti, A Palmero Aprosio
Language Resources and Evaluation 53, 499-524, 2019
SocialLink: exploiting graph embeddings to link DBpedia entities to Twitter profiles
Y Nechaev, F Corcoglioniti, C Giuliano
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 7 (4), 251-272, 2018
Type prediction combining linked open data and social media
Y Nechaev, F Corcoglioniti, C Giuliano
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2018
Search Computing: Managing complex search queries
S Ceri, A Abid, MA Helou, D Barbieri, A Bozzon, D Braga, M Brambilla, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 14 (6), 14-22, 2010
MicroNeel: Combining NLP tools to perform named entity detection and linking on microposts
F Corcoglioniti, A Palmero Aprosio, Y Nechaev, C Giuliano
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1749, 2016
Semantic-Based Process Analysis
C Di Francescomarino, F Corcoglioniti, M Dragoni, P Bertoli, R Tiella, ...
ISWC 2014 in Use Track 8797, 228-243, 2014
Search computing: multi-domain search on ranked data
A Bozzon, D Braga, M Brambilla, S Ceri, F Corcoglioniti, P Fraternali, ...
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2011
Semantic modeling and analysis of complex data-aware processes and their executions
P Bertoli, F Corcoglioniti, C Di Francescomarino, M Dragoni, C Ghidini, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 198, 116702, 2022
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Articles 1–20