Maud Derbaix
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Citée par
The impact of interactive technologies on the social experience: An empirical study in a cultural tourism context
F Ponsignon, M Derbaix
Tourism Management Perspectives 35, 100723, 2020
Consuming material authenticity in the age of digital reproduction
C Goulding, M Derbaix
European Journal of Marketing 53 (3), 545-564, 2019
Authenticity in the performing arts: A foolish quest?
M Derbaix, A Decrop
Advances in Consumer Research 34, 2007
Individual celebration of pop music icons: A study of music fans relationships with their object of fandom and associated practices
M Derbaix, M Korchia
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 18 (2), 109-119, 2019
Selling the invisible to create an authentic experience: imagination at work at Cézanne’s studio
M Derbaix, A Gombault
Journal of Marketing Management 32 (15-16), 1458-1477, 2016
Generational concerts: in quest of authenticity?
M Derbaix, C Derbaix
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 25 (3), 57-84, 2010
Artist‐related determinants of music concert prices
A Decrop, M Derbaix
Psychology & Marketing 31 (8), 660-669, 2014
Narrative transportation and transmedia consumption experience in the cultural field
D Bourgeon-Renault, M Derbaix, É Jarrier, C Petr
International Journal of Arts Management, 27-42, 2019
Intergenerational transmissions and sharing of musical taste practices
C Derbaix, M Derbaix
Journal of Marketing Management 35 (17-18), 1600-1623, 2019
Valeur perçue, gratuité et consentement à payer: le cas des spectacles sportifs
M Derbaix, E Leheut, C Derbaix, G Stenmans
Décisions Marketing, 17-28, 2010
Les tournées du souvenir: des générations en quête d'authenticité?
M Derbaix, C Derbaix
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 25 (3), 57-84, 2010
Consumers' valuing processes for the performing arts: concepts, measures and relations
M Derbaix, A Decrop, P Zidda
A real child in a virtual world: Exploring whether children’s participation in MMORPGs transforms them into virtual retail shoppers
M Hota, M Derbaix
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 44 (11), 1132-1148, 2016
Transmedia Experience and Narrative Transportation
M Derbaix, D Bourgeon-Renault, E Jarrier, C Petr
Journal of Marketing Trends 4 (2), 39-48, 2017
Transmissions culturelles entre parents et enfants: le cas des goûts musicaux 1
M Derbaix 2, C Derbaix 3, M Kindt 4, M Korchia 5, ML Fernandez 6
Revue management et avenir, 151-174, 2016
Narrative transportation scale: Measure development for transmedia experience
E Jarrier, D Bourgeon-Renault, M Derbaix, C Petr
14th International Conference on Arts and Culture Management, 2017
Fans as Prosumers: Labour of Love.
M Derbaix, M Korchia, M Padiou
International journal of arts management 25 (2), 2023
New marketing theories and practices emerging from innovations in the cultural and tourism sectors
D Bourgeon-Renault, M Derbaix, E Jarrier, C Petr
Journal of Marketing Management 39 (5-6), 367-372, 2023
le consentement à payer: étude de ses déterminants dans le système des soins de santé
M Derbaix, N Siningaglia, P Zidda
Actes du 20è Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing …, 2003
Transport narratif, expérience de consommation et intentions à l’égard d’un dispositif transmédia
D Bourgeon-Renault, M Derbaix, E Jarrier, C Petr
Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries Symposium Turin 2016 4 (2), 39-48, 2016
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Articles 1–20