Belkadi Farouk
Belkadi Farouk
Maitre de conférences, Ecole centrale de Nantes - LS2N
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A knowledge-based Digital Shadow for machining industry in a Digital Twin perspective
A Ladj, Z Wang, O Meski, F Belkadi, M Ritou, C Da Cunha
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 58, 168-179, 2021
Ontology-based knowledge representation for additive manufacturing
EM Sanfilippo, F Belkadi, A Bernard
Computers in Industry 109, 182-194, 2019
Competency characterisation by means of work situation modelling
F Belkadi, E Bonjour, M Dulmet
Computers in industry 58 (2), 164-178, 2007
A situation model to support awareness in collaborative design
F Belkadi, E Bonjour, M Camargo, N Troussier, B Eynard
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 71 (1), 110-129, 2013
Ontology-based framework enabling smart product-service systems: application of sensing systems for machine health monitoring
E Maleki, F Belkadi, N Boli, BJ Van Der Zwaag, K Alexopoulos, S Koukas, ...
IEEE internet of things journal 5 (6), 4496-4505, 2018
Intelligent assistant system as a context-aware decision-making support for the workers of the future
F Belkadi, MA Dhuieb, JV Aguado, F Laroche, A Bernard, F Chinesta
Computers & Industrial Engineering 139, 105732, 2020
Customer feedback gathering and management tools for product-service system design
D Mourtzis, E Vlachou, V Zogopoulos, RK Gupta, F Belkadi, A Debbache, ...
Procedia Cirp 67, 577-582, 2018
Towards a PLM interoperability for a collaborative design support system
D Penciuc, A Durupt, F Belkadi, B Eynard, H Rowson
Procedia Cirp 25, 369-376, 2014
A meta-modelling framework for knowledge consistency in collaborative design
F Belkadi, N Dremont, A Notin, N Troussier, M Messadia
Annual Reviews in Control 36 (2), 346-358, 2012
Technology-based product-services for supporting frugal innovation
M Colledani, L Silipo, A Yemane, G Lanza, J Bürgin, J Hochdörffer, ...
Procedia CIRP 47, 126-131, 2016
A modular-based approach for Just-In-Time Specification of customer orders in the aircraft manufacturing industry
J Buergin, F Belkadi, C Hupays, RK Gupta, F Bitte, G Lanza, A Bernard
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 21, 61-74, 2018
Co-definition of product structure and production network for frugal innovation perspectives: towards a modular-based approach
F Belkadi, J Buergin, RK Gupta, Y Zhang, A Bernard, G Lanza, ...
Procedia Cirp 50, 589-594, 2016
Integrated data and knowledge management as key factor for Industry 4.0
O Meski, F Belkadi, F Laroche, A Ladj, B Furet
IEEE Engineering Management Review 47 (4), 94-100, 2019
A knowledge-based collaborative platform for PSS design and production
F Belkadi, N Boli, L Usatorre, E Maleki, K Alexopoulos, A Bernard, ...
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 29, 220-231, 2020
Gathering, evaluating and managing customer feedback during aircraft production
RK Gupta, F Belkadi, C Buergy, F Bitte, C Da Cunha, J Buergin, G Lanza, ...
Computers & industrial engineering 115, 559-572, 2018
Knowledge-based assessment of manufacturing process performance: integration of product lifecycle management and value-chain simulation approaches
M Bosch-Mauchand, F Belkadi, M Bricogne, B Eynard
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 26 (5), 453-473, 2013
Knowledge based and PLM facilities for sustainability perspective in manufacturing: A global approach
F Belkadi, A Bernard, F Laroche
Procedia CIRP 29, 203-208, 2015
Collaboration based on product lifecycles interoperability for extended enterprise
F Belkadi, N Troussier, B Eynard, E Bonjour
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 4 …, 2010
Towards a knowledge-based framework for digital chain monitoring within the industry 4.0 paradigm
O Meski, F Belkadi, F Laroche, B Furet
Procedia CIRP 84, 118-123, 2019
Collaboration management framework for OEM–suppliers relationships: a trust-based conceptual approach
F Belkadi, M Messaadia, A Bernard, D Baudry
Enterprise Information Systems 11 (7), 1018-1042, 2017
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