Le Guen Vincent
Le Guen Vincent
Chercheur génétique, CIRAD, France
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De novo transcriptome analysis of Hevea brasiliensistissues by RNA-seq and screening for molecular markers
LR Salgado, DM Koop, DG Pinheiro, R Rivallan, V Le Guen, MF Nicolás, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-15, 2014
QTL mapping of growth-related traits in a full-sib family of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) evaluated in a sub-tropical climate
LM Souza, R Gazaffi, CC Mantello, CC Silva, D Garcia, V Le Guen, ...
PLoS One 8 (4), e61238, 2013
Molecular mapping of genes conferring field resistance to South American Leaf Blight (Microcyclus ulei) in rubber tree
V Le Guen, D Lespinasse, G Oliver, M Rodier-Goud, F Pinard, M Seguin
Theoretical and applied genetics 108, 160-167, 2003
Breeding Hevea brasiliensis for yield, growth and SALB resistance for high disease environments
F Rivano, CRR Mattos, SEA Cardoso, M Martinez, V Cevallos, V Le Guen, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 44, 659-670, 2013
A rubber tree’s durable resistance to Microcyclus ulei is conferred by a qualitative gene and a major quantitative resistance factor
V Le Guen, D Garcia, F Doaré, CRR Mattos, V Condina, C Couturier, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7 (5), 877-889, 2011
Bypassing of a polygenic Microcyclus ulei resistance in rubber tree, analyzed by QTL detection
V Le Guen, D Garcia, CRR Mattos, F Doare, D Lespinasse, M Seguin
New phytologist 173 (2), 335-345, 2007
Genetic structure of Amazonian populations of Hevea brasiliensis is shaped by hydrographical network and isolation by distance
V Le Guen, F Doare, C Weber, M Seguin
Tree Genetics & Genomes 5 (4), 673-683, 2009
Genetic Diversity Strategy for the Management and Use of Rubber Genetic Resources: More than 1,000 Wild and Cultivated Accessions in a 100-Genotype Core Collection
Plos One 10 (7), e0134607, 2015
Variabilidade de isolados de Microcyclus ulei no sudeste da Bahia
CRR Mattos, D Garcia, F Pinard, V Le Guen
Fitopatologia Brasileira 28, 502-507, 2003
A Review of a Century of Studies on South American Leaf Blight of the Rubber Tree
J Guyot, V Le Guen
Plant Disease 102 (6), 1052-1065, 2018
Within-family genomic selection in rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) increases genetic gain for rubber production
D Cros, L Mbo-Nkoulou, JM Bell, J Oum, A Masson, M Soumahoro, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 138, 111464, 2019
Development and characterization of 296 new polymorphic microsatellite markers for rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis)
V Le Guen, C Gay, TC Xiong, LM Souza, M Rodier‐Goud, M Seguin
Plant Breeding 130 (2), 294-296, 2011
Long lasting rubber tree resistance to Microcyclus ulei characterized by reduced conidial emission and absence of teleomorph
V Le Guen, J Guyot, CRR Mattos, M Seguin, D Garcia
Crop protection 27 (12), 1498-1503, 2008
Development and characterization of a new set of 164 polymorphic EST‐SSR markers for diversity and breeding studies in rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.)
P Cubry, V Pujade‐Renaud, D Garcia, S Espeout, V Le Guen, F Granet, ...
Plant Breeding 133 (3), 419-426, 2014
Evaluation of field resistance to Microcyclus ulei of a collection of Amazonian rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) germplasm
V Le Guen, D Garcia, CRR Mattos, A Clément-Demange
Rubber tree
A Clément-Demange, H Legnaté, M Seguin, MP Carron, V Le Guen, ...
Tropical plant breeding, 455-480, 2001
Genetic Determinism of Sensitivity to Corynespora cassiicola Exudates in Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis)
DM Tran, A Clément-Demange, M Deon, D Garcia, V Le Guen, ...
PloS one 11 (10), e0162807, 2016
High-Resolution Genetic Map and QTL Analysis of Growth-Related Traits of Hevea brasiliensis Cultivated Under Suboptimal Temperature and Humidity Conditions
ARO Conson, CH Taniguti, RR Amadeu, IAA Andreotti, LM De Souza, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1255, 2018
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for Microcyclus ulei, causal agent of South American leaf blight of rubber trees
V Le Guen, M Rodier‐Goud, V Troispoux, TC Xiong, P Brottier, C Billot, ...
Molecular Ecology Notes 4 (1), 122-124, 2004
Hévéa: stratégies de sélection
A Clément-Demange, D Nicolas, H Legnaté, F Rivano, V Le Guen, ...
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