Mathieu Liedloff
Mathieu Liedloff
Professeur des Universités, université d'Orléans
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Efficient algorithms for Roman domination on some classes of graphs
M Liedloff, T Kloks, J Liu, SL Peng
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (18), 3400-3415, 2008
An exact algorithm for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem
H Fernau, J Kneis, D Kratsch, A Langer, M Liedloff, D Raible, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 412 (45), 6290-6302, 2011
Iterative compression and exact algorithms
FV Fomin, S Gaspers, D Kratsch, M Liedloff, S Saurabh
Theoretical Computer Science 411 (7-9), 1045-1053, 2010
Exact and parameterized algorithms for max internal spanning tree
D Binkele-Raible, H Fernau, S Gaspers, M Liedloff
Algorithmica 65 (1), 95-128, 2013
A branch-and-reduce algorithm for finding a minimum independent dominating set in graphs
S Gaspers, M Liedloff
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 78-89, 2006
The many facets of upper domination
C Bazgan, L Brankovic, K Casel, H Fernau, K Jansen, KM Klein, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 717, 2-25, 2018
Roman domination over some graph classes
M Liedloff, T Kloks, J Liu, SL Peng
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 103-114, 2005
On the number of minimal dominating sets on some graph classes
JF Couturier, R Letourneur, M Liedloff
Theoretical Computer Science 562, 634-642, 2015
On independent sets and bicliques in graphs
S Gaspers, D Kratsch, M Liedloff
Algorithmica 62, 637-658, 2012
On independent sets and bicliques in graphs
S Gaspers, D Kratsch, M Liedloff
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 34th International Workshop …, 2008
Algorithms parameterized by vertex cover and modular width, through potential maximal cliques
FV Fomin, M Liedloff, P Montealegre, I Todinca
Algorithmica 80, 1146-1169, 2018
Exact Algorithms for L(2,1)-Labeling of Graphs
F Havet, M Klazar, J Kratochvíl, D Kratsch, M Liedloff
Algorithmica 59, 169-194, 2011
Exponential time algorithms for the minimum dominating set problem on some graph classes
S Gaspers, D Kratsch, M Liedloff, I Todinca
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 6 (1), 1-21, 2009
An exact algorithm for connected red–blue dominating set
FN Abu-Khzam, AE Mouawad, M Liedloff
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 9 (3), 252-262, 2011
Exact Algorithms for L(2,1)-Labeling of Graphs
J Kratochvíl, D Kratsch, M Liedloff
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2007: 32nd International …, 2007
On an extension of the Sort & Search method with application to scheduling theory
C Lenté, M Liedloff, A Soukhal, V T’kindt
Theoretical Computer Science 511, 13-22, 2013
Breaking the 2n-barrier for irredundance: Two lines of attack
D Binkele-Raible, L Brankovic, M Cygan, H Fernau, J Kneis, D Kratsch, ...
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 9 (3), 214-230, 2011
Finding a dominating set on bipartite graphs
M Liedloff
Information processing letters 107 (5), 154-157, 2008
Algorithmes exacts et exponentiels pour les problèmes NP-difficiles: domination, variantes et généralisations
M Liedloff
Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, 2007
An exact algorithm for the minimum dominating clique problem
D Kratsch, M Liedloff
Theoretical Computer Science 385 (1-3), 226-240, 2007
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