Delphine Bernhard
Cited by
Cited by
A monolingual tree-based translation model for sentence simplification
Z Zhu, D Bernhard, I Gurevych
Proceedings of The 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Answering learners’ questions by retrieving question paraphrases from social Q&A sites
D Bernhard, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the third workshop on innovative use of NLP for building …, 2008
A multi-dimensional model for assessing the quality of answers in social Q&A sites
Z Zhu, D Bernhard, I Gurevych
ICIQ, 264-265, 2009
Syntactic sentence simplification for French
L Brouwers, D Bernhard, AL Ligozat, T François
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability …, 2014
Combining lexical semantic resources with question & answer archives for translation-based answer finding
D Bernhard, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL …, 2009
Hybrid methods for improving information access in clinical documents: concept, assertion, and relation identification
AL Minard, AL Ligozat, A Ben Abacha, D Bernhard, B Cartoni, L Deléger, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (5), 588-593, 2011
Unsupervised morphological segmentation based on segment predictability and word segments alignment
D Bernhard
Proceedings of 2nd Pascal Challenges Workshop, 19-24, 2006
Coherence and cohesion for the assessment of text readability
A Todirascu, T François, N Gala, C Fairon, AL Ligozat, D Bernhard
Proceedings of 10th international workshop on natural language processing …, 2013
Simple morpheme labelling in unsupervised morpheme analysis
D Bernhard
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval, 873-880, 2008
CARAMBA: concept, assertion, and relation annotation using machine-learning based approaches
C Grouin, AB Abacha, D Bernhard, B Cartoni, L Deleger, B Grau, ...
i2b2 Medication Extraction Challenge Workshop, -, 2010
Un modèle pour prédire la complexité lexicale et graduer les mots
N Gala, T François, D Bernhard, C Fairon
TALN'2014, 91-102, 2014
Are cohesive features relevant for text readability evaluation?
A Todirascu, T François, D Bernhard, N Gala, AL Ligozat
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016
From non word to new word: Automatically identifying neologisms in French newspapers
I Falk, D Bernhard, C Gérard
LREC-The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2014
When was it written? Automatically determining publication dates
A Garcia-Fernandez, AL Ligozat, M Dinarelli, D Bernhard
String Processing and Information Retrieval: 18th International Symposium …, 2011
Building an ontology of cardio-vascular diseases for concept-based information retrieval
S Gedzelman, M Simonet, D Bernhard, G Diallo, P Palmer
Computers in Cardiology, 2005, 255-258, 2005
Annotating question types in social Q&A sites
K Ignatova, C Toprak, D Bernhard, I Gurevych
Tagungsband des GSCL Symposiums ‘Sprachtechnologie und eHumanities, 44-49, 2009
Corpora with part-of-speech annotations for three regional languages of France: Alsatian, Occitan and Picard
D Bernhard, AL Ligozat, F Martin, M Bras, P Magistry, M Vergez-Couret, ...
11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2018
Le Logoscope: observatoire des innovations lexicales en français contemporain
C Gérard, L Bruneau, I Falk, D Bernhard, AL Rosio
La neología en las lenguas románicas: recursos, estrategias y nuevas …, 2017
Annlor: A naïve notation-system for lexical outputs ranking
AL Ligozat, C Grouin, A Garcia-Fernandez, D Bernhard
First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM), 487-492, 2012
Simplification syntaxique de phrases pour le français (Syntactic Simplification for French Sentences)[in French]
L Brouwers, D Bernhard, AL Ligozat, T François
Proceedings of the Joint Conference JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, volume 2: TALN …, 2012
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Articles 1–20