Anne-Maïmiti Dulaurent
Anne-Maïmiti Dulaurent
UniLaSalle, AGHYLE, campus de Beauvais
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Potential use of mealworm frass as a fertilizer: Impact on crop growth and soil properties
D Houben, G Daoulas, MP Faucon, AM Dulaurent
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 4659, 2020
Advances and perspectives to improve the phosphorus availability in cropping systems for agroecological phosphorus management
MP Faucon, D Houben, JP Reynoird, AM Mercadal-Dulaurent, R Armand, ...
Advances in agronomy 134, 51-79, 2015
Hide and seek in forests: colonization by the pine processionary moth is impeded by the presence of nonhost trees
AM Dulaurent, AJ Porté, I van Halder, F Vetillard, P Menassieu, H Jactel
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 14 (1), 19-27, 2012
Effect of host tree density and apparency on the probability of attack by the pine processionary moth
M Régolini, B Castagneyrol, AM Dulaurent-Mercadal, D Piou, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 334, 185-192, 2014
A case of habitat complementation in forest pests: Pine processionary moth pupae survive better in open areas
AM Dulaurent, AJ Porté, I van Halder, F Vetillard, P Menassieu, H Jactel
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (6), 1069-1076, 2011
Assessment of the short-term fertilizer potential of mealworm frass using a pot experiment
D Houben, G Daoulas, AM Dulaurent
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 714596, 2021
Insect – Tree Interactions in Thaumetopoea pityocampa
H Jactel, L Barbaro, A Battisti, A Bosc, M Branco, E Brockerhoff, ...
Processionary moths and climate change: An update, 265-310, 2014
Fostering the use of soil invertebrate traits to restore ecosystem functioning
A Auclerc, L Beaumelle, S Barantal, M Chauvat, J Cortet, T De Almeida, ...
Geoderma 424, 116019, 2022
Can school children support ecological research? Lessons from the Oak Bodyguard Citizen Science Project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5 (1), 10
B Castagneyrol, E Valdés-Correcher, A Bourdin, L Barbaro, O Bouriaud, ...
Honeydew feeding increased the longevity of two egg parasitoids of the pine processionary moth
AM Dulaurent, JP Rossi, C Deborde, A Moing, P Menassieu, H Jactel
Journal of Applied Entomology 135 (3), 184-194, 2011
Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) Mediate the Fertilizing Effect of Frass
AM Dulaurent, G Daoulas, MP Faucon, D Houben
Agronomy 10 (6), 783, 2020
Response of Organic Matter Decomposition to No-Tillage Adoption Evaluated by the Tea Bag Technique
D Houben, MP Faucon, AM Mercadal
Soil Systems 2 (3), 42, 2018
Search for top‐down and bottom‐up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe
E Valdés‐Correcher, X Moreira, L Augusto, L Barbaro, C Bouget, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (3), 651-665, 2021
Biochar and compost addition increases soil organic carbon content and substitutes P and K fertilizer in three French cropping systems
C Nobile, M Lebrun, C Védère, N Honvault, ML Aubertin, MP Faucon, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 42 (6), 1-15, 2022
Earthworm communities and microbial metabolic activity and diversity under conventional, feed and biogas cropping systems as affected by tillage practices
J Denier, MP Faucon, AM Dulaurent, J Guidet, L Kervroëdan, J Lamerre, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 169, 104232, 2022
Egg mortality in the pine processionary moth: habitat diversity, microclimate and predation effects
B Castagneyrol, H Jactel, Y Charbonnier, L Barbaro, ...
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 16 (3), 284-292, 2014
Winter bird numerical responses to a key defoliator in mountain pine forests
L Barbaro, AM Dulaurent, K Payet, S Blache, F Vetillard, A Battisti
Forest Ecology and Management 296, 90-97, 2013
Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild
E Valdés‐Correcher, A Popova, A Galmán, A Prinzing, AV Selikhovkin, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (3), e8709, 2022
Positive or neutral effects of biochar-compost mixtures on earthworm communities in a temperate cropping system
N Honvault, D Houben, M Lebrun, C Vedere, C Nobile, J Guidet, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 182, 104684, 2023
Effet de la diversité des essences forestières sur les niveaux de population de la processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), à différentes échelles spatiales, dans la …
AM Dulaurent
Bordeaux 1, 2010
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