Léa Brenière
Léa Brenière
PhD Student, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
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A generic framework for generalized virtual age models
L Doyen, R Drouilhet, L Brenière
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 69 (2), 816-832, 2019
Virtual age models with time-dependent covariates: A framework for simulation, parametric inference and quality of estimation
L Brenière, L Doyen, C Bérenguer
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 203, 107054, 2020
Optimization of preventive replacements dates and covariate inspections for repairable systems in varying environments
L Brenière, L Doyen, C Bérenguer
European Journal of Operational Research 308 (3), 1126-1141, 2023
Simulation and Parameter Estimation for Virtual Age Models with Time-Dependent Covariates: Methodology and Performance Evaluation
L Brenière, L Doyen, C Bérenguer
ESREL 2019-29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, 1025-1032, 2019
Virtual Age Models: Monitoring Information Level and Quality of Parametric Estimation
L Brenière, C Bérenguer, L Doyen
2021 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 1-6, 2021
Effets conjoints du vieillissement, de la maintenance et de l'hétérogénéité sur des systèmes réparables: modélisation, inférence et prise de décision
L Brenière
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2021
A Generalization of Virtual Age Concept: Stochastic Modelling, Statistical Inference and Applications
L Doyen, R Drouilhet, L Brenière
11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2019, 2019
Estimation and goodness-of-fit tests for virtual age models: single system vs multi-system
L Brenière, L Doyen, O Gaudoin
10th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and …, 2018
Estimation and goodness-of-fit tests for imperfect maintenance models: single system vs multi-system
L Breniere, L Doyen, O Gaudoin
in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability Manchester, UK 12-15 June, 2018, 31, 2018
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Articles 1–9