aernout van enter
aernout van enter
Professor of Mathematics, University of Groningen
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Regularity properties and pathologies of position-space renormalization-group transformations: Scope and limitations of Gibbsian theory
ACD Van Enter, R Fernández, AD Sokal
Journal of Statistical Physics 72, 879-1167, 1993
Proof of Straley's argument for bootstrap percolation
ACD van Enter
Journal of Statistical Physics 48, 943-945, 1987
Possible Loss and Recovery of Gibbsianness¶ During the Stochastic Evolution of Gibbs Measures
ACD Van Enter, R Fernández, F Den Hollander, F Redig
Communications in Mathematical Physics 226, 101-130, 2002
First-Order Transitions for -Vector Models in Two and More Dimensions: Rigorous Proof
ACD Van Enter, SB Shlosman
Physical review letters 89 (28), 285702, 2002
Statistical-mechanical formalism for spin-glasses
ACD Van Enter, JL van Hemmen
Physical Review A 29 (1), 355, 1984
On a classical spin glass model
JL Van Hemmen, ACD Van Enter, J Canisius
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 50, 311-336, 1983
The thermodynamic limit for long-range random systems
ACD van Enter, JL van Hemmen
Journal of statistical physics 32, 141-152, 1983
Provable first-order transitions for nonlinear vector and gauge models with continuous symmetries
ACD Enter, SB Shlosman
Communications in mathematical physics 255, 21-32, 2005
Finite-size effects for some bootstrap percolation models
ACD Van Enter, J Adler, J Duarte
Journal of Statistical Physics 60, 323-332, 1990
How should one define a (weak) crystal?
ACD Van Enter, J Miekisz
Journal of statistical physics 66, 1147-1153, 1992
Chaotic temperature dependence at zero temperature
ACD van Enter, WM Ruszel
Journal of Statistical Physics 127, 567-573, 2007
A large-deviation view on dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions
A van Enter, R Fernández, F Hollander, F Redig
arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.0147, 2010
Robustness of the non-Gibbsian property: some examples
ACD Enter, J Lörinczi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29, 2465, 1996
Sharp metastability threshold for an anisotropic bootstrap percolation model
H Duminil-Copin, ACD Van Enter
The Griffiths singularity random field
A van Enter, C Maes, RH Schonmann, S Shlosman
American Mathematical Society Translations 2, 51--58, 2000
Gibbs–non-Gibbs properties for n-vector lattice and mean-field models
ACD van Enter, C Külske, AA Opoku, WM Ruszel
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 24 (2), 226-255, 2010
Pathological behavior of renormalization-group maps at high fields and above the transition temeprature
ACD van Enter, R Fernández, R Kotecký
Journal of statistical physics 79, 969-992, 1995
Renormalization transformations in the vicinity of first-order phase transitions: What can and cannot go wrong
ACD Van Enter, R Fernández, AD Sokal
Physical review letters 66 (25), 3253, 1991
Differentiability properties of the pressure in lattice systems
HAM Daniëls, ACD Van Enter
Communications in Mathematical Physics 71, 65-76, 1980
Dynamical versus diffraction spectrum for structures with finite local complexity
M Baake, D Lenz, A van Enter
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 35 (7), 2017-2043, 2015
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