Dulce  C. Camacho-Mojica
Dulce C. Camacho-Mojica
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Cited by
Chemically induced transformation of chemical vapour deposition grown bilayer graphene into fluorinated single-layer diamond
ZLRSR Pavel V. Bakharev, Ming Huang, Manav Saxena, Suk Woo Lee, Se Hun Joo ...
Nature Nanotechnology 15, 59-66, 2020
Colossal grain growth yields single-crystal metal foils by contact-free annealing
S Jin, M Huang, Y Kwon, L Zhang, BW Li, S Oh, J Dong, D Luo, M Biswal, ...
Science 362 (6418), 1021-1025, 2018
Adlayer‐free large‐area single crystal graphene grown on a Cu (111) foil
D Luo, M Wang, Y Li, C Kim, KM Yu, Y Kim, H Han, M Biswal, M Huang, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (35), 1903615, 2019
The structural properties of GaN/AlN core–shell nanocolumn heterostructures
K Hestroffer, R Mata, D Camacho, C Leclere, G Tourbot, YM Niquet, ...
Nanotechnology 21 (41), 415702, 2010
Highly ordered and dense thermally conductive graphitic films from a graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide mixture
A Akbari, BV Cunning, SR Joshi, C Wang, DC Camacho-Mojica, ...
Matter 2 (5), 1198-1206, 2020
Analysis of strain and stacking faults in single nanowires using Bragg coherent diffraction imaging
V Favre-Nicolin, F Mastropietro, J Eymery, D Camacho, YM Niquet, ...
New Journal of Physics 12 (3), 035013, 2010
Quantum dots and tunnel barriers in nanowire heterostructures: Electronic and optical properties
YM Niquet, DC Mojica
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (11), 115316, 2008
Application of Keating's valence force field model to non-ideal wurtzite materials
D Camacho, YM Niquet
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (5), 1361-1364, 2010
Elastic strain relaxation in GaN/AlN nanowire superlattice
O Landré, D Camacho, C Bougerol, YM Niquet, V Favre-Nicolin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (15), 153306, 2010
GaN haeckelite single-layered nanostructures: monolayer and nanotubes
DC Camacho-Mojica, F López-Urías
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17902, 2015
Stark effect in GaN/AlN nanowire heterostructures: Influence of strain relaxation and surface states
D Camacho Mojica, YM Niquet
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (19), 195313, 2010
The structural properties of GaN insertions in GaN/AlN nanocolumn heterostructures
C Bougerol, R Songmuang, D Camacho, YM Niquet, R Mata, A Cros, ...
Nanotechnology 20 (29), 295706, 2009
Extended line defects in BN, GaN, and AlN semiconductor materials: Graphene-like structures
DC Camacho-Mojica, F López-Urías
Chemical Physics Letters 652, 73-78, 2016
First-principles study of transition metal adsorbed on porphyrin-like motifs in pyrrolic nitrogen-doped carbon nanostructures
LE Jiménez-Ramírez, DC Camacho-Mojica, E Muñoz-Sandoval, ...
Carbon 116, 381-390, 2017
Charge Transfer during the Dissociation of H2 and the Charge State of H Atoms in Liquid Gallium
DC Camacho-Mojica, B Cunning, S Chatterjee, S Jin, F Ding, JC Charlier, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (44), 26769-26776, 2019
Dissolving diamond: kinetics of the dissolution of (100) and (110) single crystals in nickel and cobalt films
Y Li, Y Kim, PV Bakharev, WK Seong, C Hyun, DC Camacho-Mojica, ...
Chemistry of Materials 34 (6), 2599-2611, 2022
Design of BAs-AlN monolayered honeycomb heterojunction structures: A first-principles study
DC Camacho-Mojica, F López-Urías
Applied Surface Science 368, 191-197, 2016
Structural properties of GaN nanowires and GaN/AlN insertions grown by molecular beam epitaxy
C Bougerol, R Songmuang, D Camacho, YM Niquet, B Daudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 209 (1), 012010, 2010
Growth, structural and optical properties of GaN/AlN and GaN/GaInN nanowire heterostructures
B Daudin, C Bougerol, D Camacho, A Cros, B Gayral, K Hestroffer, ...
Physics Procedia 28, 5-16, 2012
Proton affinity and gas phase basicity of diamandoid molecules: diamantane to C 131 H 116
DC Camacho-Mojica, JK Ha, SK Min, R Vianello, RS Ruoff
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (5), 3470-3477, 2022
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Articles 1–20