Elodie Bouzbib
Elodie Bouzbib
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Cited by
" Can I Touch This?": Survey of Virtual Reality Interactions via Haptic Solutions
E Bouzbib, G Bailly, S Haliyo, P Frey
32e Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction HommeMachine (IHM ’20'21), 2021
CoVR: A Large-Scale Force-Feedback Robotic Interface for Non-Deterministic Scenarios in VR
E Bouzbib, G Bailly, S Haliyo, P Frey
UIST '20: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface …, 2020
When Tangibles Become Deformable: Studying Pseudo-Stiffness Perceptual Thresholds in a VR Grasping Task
E Bouzbib, C Pacchierotti, A Lécuyer
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
"Let's Meet and Work it Out": Understanding and Mitigating Encountered-Type of Haptic Devices Failure Modes in VR
E Bouzbib, G Bailly
IEEE VR 2022: the 29th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2022
Palmex: Adding palmar force-feedback for 3d manipulation with haptic exoskeleton gloves
E Bouzbib, M Teyssier, T Howard, C Pacchierotti, A Lécuyer
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
Robotised tangible user interface for multimodal interactions in virtual reality: anticipating intentions to physically encounter the user
E Bouzbib
Sorbonne Université, 2021
Survey of Wearable Haptic Technologies for Navigation Guidance
E Bouzbib, L Kuang, PR Giordano, A Lécuyer, C Pacchierotti
System for Improved Interaction in a Virtual World
G Bailly, E Bouzbib, S Haliyo
WO Patent WO2021074530A1, 2021
Système D'interaction Améliorée Dans Un Monde Virtuel
G Bailly, E Bouzbib, S Haliyo
Interconnecting circuit board to stretchable wires
T Gisby, L Johns, A Wong, F Lun, P Guininbert, J Labrado, L Harpham, ...
WO Patent WO2019022619A1, 2019
Activity Recognition by Classification Method for Weight Variation Measurement with an Insole Device for Monitoring Frail People
E Campo, D Brulin, Y Charlon, E Bouzbib
International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, 73-84, 2018
2022 IEEE on Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)| 978-1-6654-9617-9/22/$31.00© 2022 IEEE| DOI: 10.1109/VR51125. 2022.00107
A Achberger, H Adams, K Aksit, G Amaro, S Ang, F Argelaguet Sanz, ...
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