Loic Costeur
Loic Costeur
Curator for Vertebrate Palaeontology
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Were non-avian theropod dinosaurs able to swim? Supportive evidence from an Early Cretaceous trackway, Cameros Basin (La Rioja, Spain)
R Ezquerra, S Doublet, L Costeur, PM Galton, F Pérez-Lorente
Geology 35 (6), 507-510, 2007
Small mammal (rodents and lagomorphs) European biogeography from the Late Oligocene to the mid Pliocene
O Maridet, G Escarguel, L Costeur, P Mein, M Hugueney, S Legendre
Global Ecology and Biogeography 16 (4), 529-544, 2007
Bony labyrinth morphology clarifies the origin and evolution of deer
B Mennecart, D DeMiguel, F Bibi, GE Rössner, G Métais, JM Neenan, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13176, 2017
Shape variation and ontogeny of the ruminant bony labyrinth, an example in Tragulidae
B Mennecart, L Costeur
Journal of Anatomy 229 (3), 422-435, 2016
Testing for Depéret's Rule (body size increase) in Mammals using Combined Extinct and Extant Data
F Bokma, M Godinot, O Maridet, S Ladevèze, F Solé, E Gheerbrant, ...
Systematic Biology, 2015
Spatial and temporal variation in European Neogene large mammals diversity
L Costeur, S Legendre
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 261 (1-2), 127-144, 2008
Mammalian communities document a latitudinal environmental gradient during the Miocene Climatic Optimum in Western Europe
L Costeur, S Legendre
Palaios 23 (5), 280-288, 2008
Prenatal growth stages show the development of the ruminant bony labyrinth and petrosal bone
L Costeur, B Mennecart, B Müller, G Schulz
Journal of Anatomy 230 (2), 347-353, 2017
Earliest record of Platychoerops (Primates, Plesiadapidae), a new species from Mouras Quarry, Mont de Berru, France
DM Boyer, L Costeur, Y Lipman
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 149 (3), 329-346, 2012
Multi-proxy approach detects heterogeneous habitats for primates during the Miocene climatic optimum in Central Europe
G Merceron, L Costeur, O Maridet, A Ramdarshan, UB Göhlich
Journal of Human Evolution 63 (1), 150-161, 2012
Sexual selection promotes giraffoid head-neck evolution and ecological adaptation
SQ Wang, J Ye, J Meng, C Li, L Costeur, B Mennecart, C Zhang, J Zhang, ...
Science 376 (6597), eabl8316, 2022
The bony labyrinth of toothed whales reflects both phylogeny and habitat preferences
L Costeur, C Grohé, G Aguirre-Fernández, E Ekdale, G Schulz, B Müller, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 7841, 2018
A revision of the Lari (Aves, Charadriiformes) from the early Miocene of Saint-Gérand-le-Puy (Allier, France)
VL De Pietri, L Costeur, M Güntert, G Mayr
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31 (4), 812-828, 2011
Early Oligocene mammal tracks from southeastern France
L Costeur, C Balme, S Legal
Ichnos 16 (4), 257-267, 2009
Heterochronic evolution explains novel body shape in a Triassic coelacanth from Switzerland
L Cavin, B Mennecart, C Obrist, L Costeur, H Furrer
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13695, 2017
A Dorcatherium (Mammalia, Ruminantia, Middle Miocene) petrosal bone and the tragulid ear region
B Mennecart, L Costeur
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36 (6), e1211665, 2016
Insights into the lower torso in late Miocene hominoid Oreopithecus bambolii
AS Hammond, L Rook, AD Anaya, E Cioppi, L Costeur, S Moyà-Solà, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (1), 278-284, 2020
Paléoécologie et Paléoenvironnement du site miocène de Sansan
L Costeur
Mammifères de Sansan 6, 661-693, 2012
European large mammals palaeobiogeography and biodiversity during the Neogene. Palaeogeographic and climatic impacts
L Costeur, S Legendre, G Escarguel
Revue de Paléobiologie 9, 99-109, 2004
A test of the lateral semicircular canal correlation to head posture, diet and other biological traits in “ungulate” mammals
J Benoit, LJ Legendre, AA Farke, JM Neenan, B Mennecart, L Costeur, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19602, 2020
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