Andrew Ruef
Andrew Ruef
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Cited by
Evaluating fuzz testing
G Klees, A Ruef, B Cooper, S Wei, M Hicks
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2018
Identifying software execution behavior
AM Saunders, AW Ruef
US Patent 8,533,836, 2013
Introduction to cyber-warfare: A multidisciplinary approach
P Shakarian, J Shakarian, A Ruef
Newnes, 2013
Mcsema: Static translation of x86 instructions to llvm
A Dinaburg, A Ruef
ReCon 2014 Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2014
Build it, break it, fix it: Contesting secure development
A Ruef, M Hicks, J Parker, D Levin, ML Mazurek, P Mardziel
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2016
Checked C: Making C safe by extension
AS Elliott, A Ruef, M Hicks, D Tarditi
2018 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev), 53-60, 2018
Counterexample-guided approach to finding numerical invariants
TV Nguyen, T Antonopoulos, A Ruef, M Hicks
Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software …, 2017
Achieving safety incrementally with Checked C
A Ruef, L Lampropoulos, I Sweet, D Tarditi, M Hicks
Principles of Security and Trust: 8th International Conference, POST 2019 …, 2019
Argumentation models for cyber attribution
E Nunes, P Shakarian, GI Simari, A Ruef
2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2016
Cyber-deception and attribution in capture-the-flag exercises
E Nunes, N Kulkarni, P Shakarian, A Ruef, J Little
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
Attacking iranian nuclear facilities: Stuxnet
P Shakarian, J Shakarian, A Ruef
Introduction to cyber-warfare: A multidisciplinary approach, 223-239, 2013
Summoning demons: The pursuit of exploitable bugs in machine learning
R Stevens, O Suciu, A Ruef, S Hong, M Hicks, T Dumitraş
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.04739, 2017
Evaluating design tradeoffs in numeric static analysis for java
S Wei, P Mardziel, A Ruef, JS Foster, M Hicks
Programming Languages and Systems: 27th European Symposium on Programming …, 2018
Build it, break it, fix it: Contesting secure development
J Parker, M Hicks, A Ruef, ML Mazurek, D Levin, D Votipka, P Mardziel, ...
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 23 (2), 1-36, 2020
Systems and methods for tracking and recording events in a network of computing systems
M Viscuso, B Johnson, A Saunders, A Ruef, J McFarland
US Patent 10,185,822, 2019
Checked C: Making C Safe by Extension. In 2018 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev). 53–60
AS Elliott, A Ruef, M Hicks, D Tarditi
Artificial intelligence tools for cyber attribution
E Nunes, P Shakarian, GI Simari, A Ruef
Springer International Publishing, 2018
The Dragon and the Computer: Why Intellectual Property Theft is Compatible with Chinese Cyber-Warfare Doctrine
P Shakarian, J Shakarian, A Ruef
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.6450, 2013
Cyber attacks by nonstate hacking groups: The case of Anonymous and its affiliates
P Shakarian, J Shakarian, A Ruef
Shakarian P., Shakarian J., Ruef A. Introduction to Cyber-Warfare Syngress …, 2013
Build it break it: Measuring and comparing development security
A Ruef, M Hicks, J Parker, D Levin, A Memon, J Plane, P Mardziel
8th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET 15), 2015
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Articles 1–20