anthony gravouil
anthony gravouil
INSA Lyon, IUF honorary member
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Non‐planar 3D crack growth by the extended finite element and level sets—Part I: Mechanical model
N Moës, A Gravouil, T Belytschko
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 53 (11), 2549-2568, 2002
Non‐planar 3D crack growth by the extended finite element and level sets—Part II: Level set update
A Gravouil, N Moës, T Belytschko
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 53 (11), 2569-2586, 2002
2D and 3D Abaqus implementation of a robust staggered phase-field solution for modeling brittle fracture
G Molnár, A Gravouil
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 130, 27-38, 2017
Multi‐time‐step explicit–implicit method for non‐linear structural dynamics
A Gravouil, A Combescure
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 50 (1), 199-225, 2001
An energy‐conserving scheme for dynamic crack growth using the extended finite element method
J Réthoré, A Gravouil, A Combescure
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 63 (5), 631-659, 2005
Appropriate extended functions for X-FEM simulation of plastic fracture mechanics
T Elguedj, A Gravouil, A Combescure
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (7-8), 501-515, 2006
Three dimensional experimental and numerical multiscale analysis of a fatigue crack
J Rannou, N Limodin, J Réthoré, A Gravouil, W Ludwig, ...
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 199 (21-22), 1307-1325, 2010
Estimation of mixed-mode stress intensity factors using digital image correlation and an interaction integral
J Réthoré, A Gravouil, F Morestin, A Combescure
International Journal of Fracture 132, 65-79, 2005
A numerical scheme to couple subdomains with different time-steps for predominantly linear transient analysis
A Combescure, A Gravouil
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 191 (11-12), 1129-1157, 2002
Fatigue crack propagation: In situ visualization using X-ray microtomography and 3D simulation using the extended finite element method
E Ferrié, JY Buffière, W Ludwig, A Gravouil, L Edwards
Acta Materialia 54 (4), 1111-1122, 2006
Level set X‐FEM non‐matching meshes: application to dynamic crack propagation in elastic–plastic media
B Prabel, A Combescure, A Gravouil, S Marie
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 69 (8), 1553-1569, 2007
Crack closure and stress intensity factor measurements in nodular graphite cast iron using three-dimensional correlation of laboratory X-ray microtomography images
N Limodin, J Réthoré, JY Buffière, A Gravouil, F Hild, S Roux
Acta materialia 57 (14), 4090-4101, 2009
An explicit dynamics extended finite element method. Part 1: mass lumping for arbitrary enrichment functions
T Elguedj, A Gravouil, H Maigre
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (30-32), 2297-2317, 2009
A mixed augmented Lagrangian‐extended finite element method for modelling elastic–plastic fatigue crack growth with unilateral contact
T Elguedj, A Gravouil, A Combescure
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 71 (13), 1569-1597, 2007
A new fatigue frictional contact crack propagation model with the coupled X-FEM/LATIN method
R Ribeaucourt, MC Baietto-Dubourg, A Gravouil
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (33-34), 3230-3247, 2007
An open-source Abaqus implementation of the phase-field method to study the effect of plasticity on the instantaneous fracture toughness in dynamic crack propagation
G Molnár, A Gravouil, R Seghir, J Réthoré
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 365, 113004, 2020
A thermodynamic method for the construction of a cohesive law from a nonlocal damage model
F Cazes, M Coret, A Combescure, A Gravouil
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (6), 1476-1490, 2009
A combined space–time extended finite element method
J Réthoré, A Gravouil, A Combescure
International Journal for numerical methods in Engineering 64 (2), 260-284, 2005
A local multigrid X‐FEM strategy for 3‐D crack propagation
J Rannou, A Gravouil, MC Baïetto‐Dubourg
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 77 (4), 581-600, 2009
A stable numerical scheme for the finite element simulation of dynamic crack propagation with remeshing
J Réthoré, A Gravouil, A Combescure
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (42-44), 4493-4510, 2004
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Articles 1–20