Jadna Catafesta
Jadna Catafesta
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Giant negative linear compressibility in zinc dicyanoaurate
AB Cairns, J Catafesta, C Levelut, J Rouquette, A van Der Lee, L Peters, ...
Nature materials 12 (3), 212-216, 2013
Homologous Critical Behavior in the Molecular Frameworks Zn(CN)2 and Cd(imidazolate)2
IE Collings, AB Cairns, AL Thompson, JE Parker, CC Tang, MG Tucker, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (20), 7610-7620, 2013
Tunable linear thermal expansion coefficient of amorphous zirconium tungstate
J Catafesta, JE Zorzi, CA Perottoni, MR Gallas, JAH Da Jornada
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (7), 2341-2344, 2006
Pressure-induced amorphization and decomposition of
J Catafesta, J Haines, JE Zorzi, AS Pereira, CA Perottoni
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (6), 064104, 2008
Colagem de barbotina de aluminas submicrométricas comerciais
J Catafesta, R Andreola, CA Perottoni, JE Zorzi
Cerâmica 53, 29-34, 2007
New experimental set-ups for studying nanoconfined water on the AILES beamline at SOLEIL
S Dalla Bernardina, F Alabarse, A Kalinko, P Roy, M Chapuis, N Vita, ...
Vibrational Spectroscopy 75, 154-161, 2014
Nano/microfibers of EVA copolymer obtained by solution blow spinning: Processing, solution properties, and pheromone release application
SP Rempel, LG Engler, MRF Soares, J Catafesta, S Moura, O Bianchi
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (24), 47647, 2019
Vibrational and Thermal Properties of Ag3[Co(CN)6] from First-Principles Calculations and Infrared Spectroscopy
P Hermet, J Catafesta, JL Bantignies, C Levelut, D Maurin, AB Cairns, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (24), 12848-12857, 2013
Confined H 2 O molecules as local probes of pressure-induced amorphisation in faujasite
J Catafesta, F Alabarse, C Levelut, A Isambert, P Hébert, S Kohara, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (24), 12202-12208, 2014
Compression mechanism and pressure-induced amorphization of
CA Figueiredo, J Catafesta, JE Zorzi, L Salvador, IJR Baumvol, MR Gallas, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (18), 184201, 2007
Optical and tribological properties of decorative titanium carbonitride coatings
L Milschi, I Belahsen, GC Lain, SS Tomiello, CD Boeira, LT Bim, F Cemin, ...
Surface Engineering 34 (7), 562-568, 2018
Effect of Extra-Framework Cations on Negative Linear Compressibility and High-Pressure Phase Transitions: A Study of KCd[Ag(CN)2]3
AB Cairns, J Catafesta, P Hermet, J Rouquette, C Levelut, D Maurin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (12), 6896-6906, 2020
Exothermic relaxation and endothermic recrystallization of amorphous zirconium tungstate
GR Ramos, J Catafesta, JE Zorzi, JAH Da Jornada, CA Perottoni
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (9), 094121, 2011
Efeito do ácido esteárico em scaffolds de alumina obtidos por manufatura aditiva usando o método de fabricação por filamento fundido
M Faccio, E Thomazi, LR Silva, J Catafesta, JE Zorzi
Cerâmica 67 (384), 486-497, 2021
A. vanderLee, L. Peters, AL Thompson, V. Dmitriev, J. Haines, AL Goodwin
AB Cairns, J Catafesta, C Levelut, J Rouquette
Nat. Mater 12, 212, 2013
Pressure-enhanced decomposition of Ag3 [Co (CN) 6]
J Catafesta, PR Rovani, CA Perottoni, AS Pereira
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 77, 151-156, 2015
Aditivos para fabricação por manufatura aditiva de pós-cerâmicos pela técnica de filamento fundido: uma breve revisão
M Faccio, J Catafesta, JE Zorzi
Revista Tecnologia 42 (1), 12-12, 2021
Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis and activation energy spectrum of the irreversible structural relaxation of amorphous zirconium tungstate
F Miotto, GL Rech, AM Turatti, J Catafesta, JE Zorzi, AS Pereira, ...
Physical Review B 97 (9), 094203, 2018
Vibrational study of 5-azacytosine and propanedinitrile under high pressure
MA Puerto, F Miotto, J Catafesta, CA Perottoni, NM Balzaretti
Vibrational Spectroscopy 78, 60-65, 2015
Comportamento estrutural sob altas pressões de materiais com expansão térmica anômala
J Catafesta
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Articles 1–20