Hasan Manzour
Hasan Manzour
Staff Data Science Engineer @ Verses
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Cited by
Lagrangian relaxation heuristics for the uncapacitated single-source multi-product facility location problem
AM Nezhad, H Manzour, S Salhi
International Journal of Production Economics 145 (2), 713-723, 2013
A hierarchical algorithm for the planar single-facility location routing problem
SMH Manzour-al-Ajdad, SA Torabi, S Salhi
Computers & Operations Research 39 (2), 461-470, 2012
Integer programming for learning directed acyclic graphs from continuous data
H Manzour, S Küçükyavuz, HH Wu, A Shojaie
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 3 (1), 46-73, 2021
Single-source capacitated multi-facility weber problem—an iterative two phase heuristic algorithm
SMH Manzour-al-Ajdad, SA Torabi, K Eshghi
Computers & Operations Research 39 (7), 1465-1476, 2012
A multi-stage stochastic program for evacuation management under tornado track uncertainty
S Karabuk, H Manzour
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 124, 128-151, 2019
Consistent second-order conic integer programming for learning Bayesian networks
S Kucukyavuz, A Shojaie, H Manzour, L Wei, HH Wu
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (322), 1-38, 2023
Seismic hazard and loss analysis for spatially distributed infrastructure in Christchurch, New Zealand
H Manzour, RA Davidson, N Horspool, LK Nozick
Earthquake Spectra 32 (2), 697-712, 2016
Convex optimization for group feature selection in networked data
D Won, H Manzour, W Chaovalitwongse
INFORMS journal on computing 32 (1), 182-198, 2020
New heuristic methods for the single-source capacitated multi facility Weber problem
H Manzour, A Torabi, MS Pishvaee
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69, 1569-1579, 2013
A neuro-fuzzy regression approach for estimation and optimisation of gasoline consumption
A Azadeh, SMH Manzour Alajdad, T Aliheidari Bioki
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 17 (2), 221-256, 2014
An augmented variable neighborhood search to solve the capacitated location-routing problem
A Mohamadi-Shad, H Niakan, H Manzour
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research 6 (4), 67-76, 2021
Mixed Integer Quadratic Optimization for Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs from Continuous Data
H Manzour
Lagrangian Relaxation Heuristics for the Uncapacitated Single-Source Multi-Product Facility Location Problem
H Manzour, S Salhi
An Iterative Algorithm for a Capacitated Multi-Facility Weber Problem with Fuzzy Demands
SMH Manzour-al-Ajdad, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
2010 International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, 1-4, 2010
A decomposition procedure based on PSO and LP for a capacitated multi-source Weber problem in a fuzzy environment
SMH Manzour-al-Ajdad
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Articles 1–15