Richard Ronay
Richard Ronay
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam Business School
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The presence of an attractive woman elevates testosterone and physical risk taking in young men
R Ronay, W Hippel
Social Psychological and Personality Science 1 (1), 57-64, 2010
The path to glory is paved with hierarchy: When hierarchical differentiation increases group effectiveness
R Ronay, K Greenaway, EM Anicich, AD Galinsky
Psychological science 23 (6), 669-677, 2012
The evolutionary psychology of leadership: Theory, review, and roadmap
M Vugt, R Ronay
Organizational Psychology Review 4 (1), 74-95, 2014
The too-much-talent effect: Team interdependence determines when more talent is too much or not enough
RI Swaab, M Schaerer, EM Anicich, R Ronay, AD Galinsky
Psychological Science 25 (8), 1581-1591, 2014
Gender differences in explicit and implicit risk attitudes: A socially facilitated phenomenon
R Ronay, DY Kim
British Journal of Social Psychology 45 (2), 397-419, 2006
Power, testosterone, and risk‐taking
R Ronay, W Von Hippel
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23 (5), 473-482, 2010
Testosterone’s negative relationship with empathic accuracy and perceived leadership ability
R Ronay, DR Carney
Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (1), 92-99, 2013
Endogenous testosterone and cortisol modulate neural responses during induced anger control
TF Denson, R Ronay, W von Hippel, MM Schira
Social neuroscience 8 (2), 165-177, 2013
A Functional Polymorphism of the MAOA Gene Is Associated with Neural Responses to Induced Anger Control
TF Denson, C Dobson-Stone, R Ronay, W von Hippel, MM Schira
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (7), 1418-1427, 2014
Inequality rules: Resource distribution and the evolution of dominance-and prestige-based leadership
R Ronay, WW Maddux, W Von Hippel
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (2), 101246, 2020
Embodied power, testosterone, and overconfidence as a causal pathway to risk-taking
R Ronay, JM Tybur, D van Huijstee, M Morssinkhof
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2 (1), 28-43, 2017
Playing the trump card: Why we select overconfident leaders and why it matters
R Ronay, JK Oostrom, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, S Mayoral, H Rusch
The Leadership Quarterly 30 (6), 101316, 2019
Lex talionis: Testosterone and the law of retaliation
R Ronay, AD Galinsky
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (3), 702-705, 2011
Power poses–where do we stand?
KJ Jonas, J Cesario, M Alger, AH Bailey, D Bombari, D Carney, ...
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2 (1), 139-141, 2017
Pride before the fall:(Over) confidence predicts escalation of public commitment
R Ronay, JK Oostrom, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, M Van Vugt
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 69, 13-22, 2017
Quick Thinkers Are Smooth Talkers: Mental Speed Facilitates Charisma
W von Hippel, R Ronay, E Baker, K Kjelsaas, SC Murphy
Psychological Science, 2015
False consensus in situational judgment tests: What would others do?
JK Oostrom, NC Köbis, R Ronay, M Cremers
Journal of Research in Personality 71, 33-45, 2017
No evidence for a relationship between hair testosterone concentrations and 2D: 4D ratio or risk taking
R Ronay, L Van der Meij, JK Oostrom, TV Pollet
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 12, 30, 2018
Sensitivity to changing contingencies predicts social success
R Ronay, W von Hippel
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (1), 23-30, 2015
The signalling effects of nonconforming dress style in personnel selection contexts: do applicants’ qualifications matter?
JK Oostrom, R Ronay, GA Van Kleef
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (1), 70-82, 2021
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