Aleksi Saarela
Aleksi Saarela
Academy Research Fellow, University of Turku
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On a generalization of Abelian equivalence and complexity of infinite words
J Karhumaki, A Saarela, LQ Zamboni
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (8), 2189-2206, 2013
Problems in between words and abelian words: k-abelian avoidability
M Huova, J Karhumäki, A Saarela
Theoretical Computer Science 454, 172-177, 2012
Variations of the Morse-Hedlund Theorem for k-Abelian Equivalence
J Karhumäki, A Saarela, LQ Zamboni
Developments in Language Theory: 18th International Conference, DLT 2014 …, 2014
Fine and Wilf's theorem for k-abelian periods
J Karhumäki, S Puzynina, A Saarela
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 24 (07), 1135-1152, 2013
Ultimately constant abelian complexity of infinite words
A Saarela
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 14 (3), 255-258, 2009
Systems of word equations, polynomials and linear algebra: a new approach
A Saarela
European Journal of Combinatorics 47, 1-14, 2015
Local squares, periodicity and finite automata
M Huova, J Karhumäki, A Saarela, K Saari
Rainbow of Computer Science: Dedicated to Hermann Maurer on the Occasion of …, 2011
Palindromic length in free monoids and free groups
A Saarela
Combinatorics on Words: 11th International Conference, WORDS 2017, Montréal …, 2017
5-abelian cubes are avoidable on binary alphabets
R Mercaş, A Saarela
RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and Applications-Informatique Théorique et …, 2014
Degrees of infinite words, polynomials and atoms
J Endrullis, J Karhumäki, JW Klop, A Saarela
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 29 (05), 825-843, 2018
Degrees of transducibility
J Endrullis, JW Klop, A Saarela, M Whiteland
International Conference on Combinatorics on Words, 1-13, 2015
One-variable word equations and three-variable constant-free word equations
D Nowotka, A Saarela
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 29 (05), 935-950, 2018
An optimal bound on the solution sets of one-variable word equations and its consequences
D Nowotka, A Saarela
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.09535, 2018
On Growth and Fluctuation of k-Abelian Complexity
J Cassaigne, J Karhumäki, A Saarela
Computer Science--Theory and Applications: 10th International Computer …, 2015
Word equations where a power equals a product of powers
A Saarela
34th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2017), 2017
Noneffective regularity of equality languages and bounded delay morphisms
J Karhumaki, A Saarela
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 12, 2010
On growth and fluctuation of k-abelian complexity
J Cassaigne, J Karhumäki, A Saarela
European Journal of Combinatorics 65, 92-105, 2017
On maximal chains of systems of word equations
J Karhumäki, A Saarela
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 274 (1), 116-123, 2011
On the complexity of Hmelevskii’s theorem and satisfiability of three unknown equations
A Saarela
Developments in Language Theory: 13th International Conference, DLT 2009 …, 2009
Strongly k-Abelian Repetitions
M Huova, A Saarela
Combinatorics on Words: 9th International Conference, WORDS 2013, Turku …, 2013
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Articles 1–20