Constructions of good entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes K Guenda, S Jitman, TA Gulliver
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 121-136, 2018
241 2018 Construction of cyclic codes over for DNA computing K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 24, 445-459, 2013
82 2013 Linear -intersection pairs of codes and their applications K Guenda, TA Gulliver, S Jitman, S Thipworawimon
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88 (1), 133-152, 2020
69 2020 MDS and self-dual codes over rings K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Finite Fields and Their Applications 18 (6), 1061-1075, 2012
57 2012 New DNA cyclic codes over rings N Bennenni, K Guenda, S Mesnager
arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.06263, 2015
53 2015 New MDS self-dual codes over finite fields K Guenda
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 62, 31-42, 2012
53 2012 On self-dual cyclic codes over finite chain rings A Batoul, K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Designs, codes and cryptography 70, 347-358, 2014
45 2014 On cyclic DNA codes K Guenda, TA Gulliver, P Solé
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 121-125, 2013
37 2013 Self-dual repeated root cyclic and negacyclic codes over finite fields K Guenda, TA Gulliver
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 2904-2908, 2012
29 2012 Some constacyclic codes over finite chain rings. A Batoul, K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10 (4), 2016
26 2016 Quantum codes over rings K Guenda, TA Gulliver
International Journal of Quantum Information 12 (04), 1450020, 2014
23 2014 A new variant of the McEliece cryptosystem based on QC-LDPC and QC-MDPC codes H Moufek, K Guenda, TA Gulliver
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (4), 714-717, 2016
22 2016 Cyclic Isodual and Formally Self-dual Codes over F_q+ vF_q A Batoul, K Guenda, A Kaya, B Yildiz
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 (1), 64-80, 2015
22 2015 Repeated root constacyclic codes of length mps over 𝔽pr + u𝔽pr + ⋯ + ue-1 𝔽pr K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 14 (01), 1450081, 2015
21 2015 Simplex and MacDonald codes over K Chatouh, K Guenda, TA Gulliver, L Noui
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 55, 455-478, 2017
18 2017 On some classes of linear codes over and their covering radii K Chatouh, K Guenda, TA Gulliver, L Noui
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 53 (1), 201-222, 2017
13 2017 Repeated-root isodual cyclic codes over finite fields A Batoul, K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Codes, Cryptology, and Information Security: First International Conference …, 2015
13 2015 New classes of codes over R q, p, m= Z pm [u 1, u 2,…, uq]/ui 2= 0, uiuj= ujui and their applications K Chatouh, K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Computational and Applied Mathematics 39 (3), 152, 2020
12 2020 Extending Construction X for quantum error-correcting codes A Degwekar, K Guenda, TA Gulliver
Coding Theory and Applications: 4th International Castle Meeting, Palmela …, 2015
12 2015 Quantum duadic and affine-invariant codes K Guenda
International Journal of Quantum Information 7 (01), 373-384, 2009
12 2009