Maëlenn Aufray
Maëlenn Aufray
Université de Toulouse, CIRIMAT
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New synthesis of nanosized niobium oxides and lithium niobate particles and their characterization by XPS analysis
M Aufray, S Menuel, Y Fort, J Eschbach, D Rouxel, B Vincent
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (8), 4780-4785, 2009
Epoxy–amine/metal interphases: Influences from sharp needle-like crystal formation
M Aufray, AA Roche
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 27 (5), 387-393, 2007
Nanocrystalline apatites: The fundamental role of water
C Drouet, M Aufray, S Rollin-Martinet, N Vandecandelaère, D Grossin, ...
American Mineralogist 103 (4), 550-564, 2018
Caractérisation physico-chimique des interphases époxyde-amine/oxyde ou hydroxyde métallique, et de leurs constituants
M Aufray
INSA de Lyon, 2005
Is gold always chemically passive?: Study and comparison of the epoxy-amine/metals interphases
M Aufray, AA Roche
Applied Surface Science 254 (7), 1936-1941, 2008
Experimental and statistical study of three adherence tests for an epoxy-amine/aluminum alloy system: Pull-Off, Single Lap Joint and Three-Point Bending tests
S Genty, JB Sauvage, P Tingaut, M Aufray
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 79, 50-58, 2017
Residual stresses and practical adhesion: effect of organo-metallic complex formation and crystallization
M Aufray, AA Roche
Journal of adhesion science and technology 20 (16), 1889-1903, 2006
Amorphous alumina coatings: processing, structure and remarkable barrier properties
D Samélor, AM Lazar, M Aufray, C Tendero, L Lacroix, JD Béguin, ...
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11 (9), 8387-8391, 2011
Effects of maleic anhydride grafted ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) on the properties of EVA/silica nanocomposites
T Hoang, NT Chinh, NTT Trang, TTX Hang, DTM Thanh, DV Hung, CS Ha, ...
Macromolecular Research 21, 1210-1217, 2013
Using the 3-point bending method to study failure initiation in epoxide-aluminum joints
JB Sauvage, M Aufray, JP Jeandrau, P Chalandon, D Poquillon, M Nardin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 75, 181-189, 2017
Fine-tuning of chemical and physical polymer surface modifications by atmospheric pressure post-discharge plasma and its correlation with adhesion improvement
L Bres, A Sanchot, B Rives, N Ghérardi, N Naudé, M Aufray
Surface and Coatings Technology 362, 388-396, 2019
Influence of moisture on the electrical properties of XLPE insulation
Y Mecheri, M Nedjar, A Lamure, M Aufray, C Drouet
2010 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectic …, 2010
Properties of the interphase epoxy–amine/metal: influences from the nature of the amine and the metal
M Aufray, AA Roche
Adhesion: Current Research and Applications, 89-102, 2005
Fast polymerization at low temperature of an infrared radiation cured epoxy-amine adhesive
S Genty, P Tingaut, M Aufray
Thermochimica Acta 666, 27-35, 2018
Nanocomposite piezoelectric films of P(VDF‐TrFE)/LiNbO3
VS Nguyen, L Badie, E Lamouroux, B Vincent, FDD Santos, M Aufray, ...
Journal of applied polymer science 129 (1), 391-396, 2013
The role of the residual stresses of the epoxy-aluminum interphase on the interfacial fracture toughness
AA Roche, M Aufray, J Bouchet
The Journal of Adhesion 82 (9), 867-886, 2006
Development of new surface treatments for the adhesive bonding of aluminum surfaces
J Layec, F Ansart, S Duluard, V Turq, M Aufray, MP Labeau
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 117, 103006, 2022
Assessment of interface failure behaviour for brittle adhesive using the three-point bending test
TV Birro, M Aufray, E Paroissien, F Lachaud
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 110, 102891, 2021
Improvement of adherence and anticorrosion properties of an epoxy-polyamide coating on steel by incorporation of an indole-3 butyric acid-modified nanomagnetite
AT Trinh, TT Nguyen, TT Thai, TXH To, XH Nguyen, AS Nguyen, M Aufray, ...
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 13, 489-499, 2016
The interaction of waterborne epoxy/dicyandiamide varnishes with metal oxides
G Säckl, J Duchoslav, R Pugstaller, C Marchfelder, K Haselgrübler, ...
Polymers 14 (11), 2226, 2022
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Articles 1–20