Lawrence Angrave
Lawrence Angrave
Teaching Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
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Cited by
How do gender, learning goals, and forum participation predict persistence in a computer science MOOC?
RW Crues, GM Henricks, M Perry, S Bhat, CJ Anderson, N Shaik, ...
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 18 (4), 1-14, 2018
Who benefits? positive learner outcomes from behavioral analytics of online lecture video viewing using classtranscribe
L Angrave, Z Zhang, G Henricks, C Mahipal
Proceedings of the 51st acm technical symposium on computer science …, 2020
Refocusing the lens on engagement in MOOCs
RW Crues, N Bosch, M Perry, L Angrave, N Shaik, S Bhat
Proceedings of the fifth annual ACM conference on learning at scale, 1-10, 2018
A measurement of the beta spectrum of 63Ni using a new type of cryogenic detector
RJ Gaistkell, LC Angrave, NE Booth, AD Hahn, GL Salmon, AM Swift
Physics Letters B 370 (1-2), 163-166, 1996
Modeling key differences in underrepresented students' interactions with an online STEM course
N Bosch, RW Crues, GM Henricks, M Perry, L Angrave, N Shaik, S Bhat, ...
Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society, 1-6, 2018
Measurement of the Atomic Exchange Effect in Nuclear Decay
LC Angrave, NE Booth, RJ Gaitskell, GL Salmon, MR Harston
Physical review letters 80 (8), 1610, 1998
The design of a cryogenic dark matter detector based on the detection of the recoil direction of target nuclei
RJ Gaitskell, LC Angrave, NE Booth, E Esposito, TJ Giles, C Höss, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1996
Exploring collaborative caption editing to augment video-based learning
B Bhavya, S Chen, Z Zhang, W Li, C Zhai, L Angrave, Y Huang
Educational technology research and development 70 (5), 1755-1779, 2022
Improving Student Accessibility, Equity, Course Performance, and Lab Skills: How Introduction of ClassTranscribe Is Changing Engineering Education at the University of Illinois.
L Angrave, K Jensen, Z Zhang, C Mahipal, D Mussulman, CD Schmitz, ...
Grantee Submission, 2020
bmggum: An R Package for Bayesian Estimation of the Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model With Covariates
N Tu, B Zhang, L Angrave, T Sun
Applied Psychological Measurement 45 (7-8), 553-555, 2021
Modeling improvement for underrepresented minorities in online STEM education
N Bosch, E Huang, L Angrave, M Perry
Proceedings of the 27th ACM conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2019
The Generalized Thurstonian Unfolding Model (GTUM): Advancing the modeling of forced-choice data
B Zhang, N Tu, L Angrave, S Zhang, T Sun, L Tay, J Li
Organizational Research Methods 27 (4), 713-747, 2024
WebLinux: a scalable in-browser and client-side Linux and IDE
R Sharrock, L Angrave, E Hamonic
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, 1-2, 2018
How Students Search Video Captions to Learn: An Analysis of Search Terms and Behavioral Timing Data.
Z Zhang, B Bhavya, L Angrave, R Sui, R Kooper, C Mahipal, Y Huang
Grantee Submission, 2021
A measurement of the beta spectrum of 63Ni using a new type of calorimetric cryogenic detector
RJ Gaitskell, LC Angrave, NE Booth, AD Hahn, GL Salmon, AM Swift
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1996
What did I just miss?!
C Mahipal, L Angrave, Y Xie, B Chatterjee, H Wang, Z Qian
Presenting ClassTranscribe, an automated live-captioning and Text-searchable …, 2019
Status of a facility for measuring nuclear recoils by neutron scattering from cryogenic particle detectors
MJJ Van den Putte, C Hoess, TJ Giles, L Angrave, NE Booth, S Cooper, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1996
Understanding the needs of students with and without disabilities for inclusive UDL-based design of Engineering courses through learning management systems
H Liu, D Moparthi, L Angrave, J Amos, D Dalpiaz, C Vogiatzis, ...
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2022
A Digital Book-Based Pedagogy to Improve Course Content Accessibility for Students with and without Disabilities in Engineering and Other STEM Courses (WIP).
H Liu, L Angrave, JR Amos, D Dalpiaz, C Vogiatzis, Z Xiao, S Varadhan, ...
Grantee Submission, 2022
Estimating the multidimensional generalized graded unfolding model with covariates using a bayesian approach
N Tu, B Zhang, L Angrave, T Sun, M Neuman
Journal of Intelligence 11 (8), 163, 2023
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Articles 1–20