Paul Escande
Paul Escande
PhD Applied Maths, CNRS researcher in Toulouse
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High-resolution in-depth imaging of optically cleared thick samples using an adaptive SPIM
A Masson, P Escande, C Frongia, G Clouvel, B Ducommun, C Lorenzo
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-14, 2015
Sparse wavelet representations of spatially varying blurring operators
P Escande, P Weiss
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (4), 2976-3014, 2015
A variational model for multiplicative structured noise removal
P Escande, P Weiss, W Zhang
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 57 (1), 43-55, 2017
Approximation of integral operators using product-convolution expansions
P Escande, P Weiss
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 58 (3), 333-348, 2017
Learning low-dimensional models of microscopes
V Debarnot, P Escande, T Mangeat, P Weiss
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 178-190, 2020
Estimation of linear operators from scattered impulse responses
J Bigot, P Escande, P Weiss
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2017
Image restoration using sparse approximations of spatially varying blur operators in the wavelet domain
P Escande, P Weiss, F Malgouyres
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 464 (1), 012004, 2013
A scalable estimator of sets of integral operators
V Debarnot, P Escande, P Weiss
Inverse Problems 35 (10), 105011, 2019
Spatially varying blur recovery. diagonal approximations in the wavelet domain
P Escande, P Weiss, F Malgouyres
Fast wavelet decomposition of linear operators through product-convolution expansions
P Escande, P Weiss
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 42 (1), 569-596, 2022
On the Concentration of the Minimizers of Empirical Risks
P Escande
Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (251), 1--53, 2024
Contrast invariant SNR and isotonic regressions
P Weiss, P Escande, G Bathie, Y Dong
International Journal of Computer Vision 127 (8), 1144-1161, 2019
Accelerating ℓ1− ℓ2 deblurring using wavelet expansions of operators
P Escande, P Weiss
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 343, 373-396, 2018
Full inference for the anisotropic fractional Brownian field
P Escande, FJ Richard
Random walk informed community detection reveals heterogeneities in the lymph node conduits network
S Song, M Senoussi, P Escande, P Villoutreix
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2202.06729, 2022
Modelling a Microscope as Low Dimensional Subspace of Operators
V Debarnot, P Escande, T Mangeat, P Weiss
2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 765-769, 2021
Random walk informed heterogeneity detection reveals how the lymph node conduit network influences T cells collective exploration behavior
S Song, M Senoussi, P Escande, P Villoutreix
PLOS Computational Biology 19 (5), e1011168, 2023
A numerical method for fast 3D photoacoustic tomography with arbitrary geometry of sensors
M Lafont, J Gâteau, C Chaux, P Escande
Journées RITS (Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé), 2022
Random walk informed community detection reveals heterogeneities in the lymph node conduits network
S Song, M Senoussi, P Escande, P Villoutreix
Learning and Exploiting Physics of Degradations
P Escande, V Debarnot, M Maggioni, T Mangeat, P Weiss
Mathematics in Imaging, MTu2D. 4, 2018
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