Alexandru Costan
Alexandru Costan
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Spark versus flink: Understanding performance in big data analytics frameworks
OC Marcu, A Costan, G Antoniu, MS Pérez-Hernández
2016 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 433-442, 2016
A performance evaluation of Apache Kafka in support of big data streaming applications
P Le Noac'h, A Costan, L Bougé
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4803-4806, 2017
A policy iteration algorithm for computing fixed points in static analysis of programs
A Costan, S Gaubert, E Goubault, M Martel, S Putot
Computer Aided Verification: 17th International Conference, CAV 2005 …, 2005
MonALISA: An agent based, dynamic service system to monitor, control and optimize distributed systems
I Legrand, H Newman, R Voicu, C Cirstoiu, C Grigoras, C Dobre, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (12), 2472-2498, 2009
Distributed intelligence on the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum: A systematic literature review
D Rosendo, A Costan, P Valduriez, G Antoniu
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 166, 71-94, 2022
A performance evaluation of azure and nimbus clouds for scientific applications
R Tudoran, A Costan, G Antoniu, L Bougé
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Computing Platforms, 1-6, 2012
Managing data access on clouds: A generic framework for enforcing security policies
C Băsescu, A Carpen-Amarie, C Leordeanu, A Costan, G Antoniu
2011 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2011
A distributed multi-sensor machine learning approach to earthquake early warning
K Fauvel, D Balouek-Thomert, D Melgar, P Silva, A Simonet, G Antoniu, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (01), 403-411, 2020
Overflow: Multi-site aware big data management for scientific workflows on clouds
R Tudoran, A Costan, G Antoniu
IEEE transactions on cloud computing 4 (1), 76-89, 2015
Fault tolerance and recovery in grid workflow management systems
E Sindrilaru, A Costan, V Cristea
2010 international conference on complex, intelligent and software intensive …, 2010
E2clab: Exploring the computing continuum through repeatable, replicable and reproducible edge-to-cloud experiments
D Rosendo, P Silva, M Simonin, A Costan, G Antoniu
2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 176-186, 2020
Jetstream: Enabling high performance event streaming across cloud data-centers
R Tudoran, O Nano, I Santos, A Costan, H Soncu, L Bougé, G Antoniu
Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2014
Bridging data in the clouds: An environment-aware system for geographically distributed data transfers
R Tudoran, A Costan, R Wang, L Bougé, G Antoniu
2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2014
Efficient scheduling of scientific workflows using hot metadata in a multisite cloud
J Liu, L Pineda, E Pacitti, A Costan, P Valduriez, G Antoniu, M Mattoso
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (10), 1940-1953, 2018
Kera: Scalable data ingestion for stream processing
OC Marcu, A Costan, G Antoniu, M Pérez-Hernández, B Nicolae, ...
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2018
Mapiterativereduce: a framework for reduction-intensive data processing on azure clouds
R Tudoran, A Costan, G Antoniu
Proceedings of third international workshop on MapReduce and its …, 2012
Monitoring and control of large systems with MonALISA
I Legrand, R Voicu, C Cirstoiu, C Grigoras, L Betev, A Costan
Communications of the ACM 52 (9), 49-55, 2009
Monitoring, accounting and automated decision support for the alice experiment based on the MonALISA framework
CC Cirstoiu, CC Grigoras, LL Betev, AA Costan, IC Legrand
Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Grid monitoring, 39-44, 2007
Jetstream: Enabling high throughput live event streaming on multi-site clouds
R Tudoran, A Costan, O Nano, I Santos, H Soncu, G Antoniu
Future Generation Computer Systems 54, 274-291, 2016
Dynamic meta-scheduling architecture based on monitoring in distributed systems
F Pop, C Dobre, C Stratan, A Costan, V Cristea
International Journal of Autonomic Computing 1 (4), 328-349, 2010
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