millet dominique
millet dominique
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Does the potential of the use of LCA match the design team needs?
D Millet, L Bistagnino, C Lanzavecchia, R Camous, T Poldma
Journal of cleaner production 15 (4), 335-346, 2007
Using eco-design tools: An overview of experts' practices
F Vallet, B Eynard, D Millet, SG Mahut, B Tyl, G Bertoluci
Design Studies 34 (3), 345-377, 2013
“Upgradable PSS”: Clarifying a new concept of sustainable consumption/production based on upgradablility
O Pialot, D Millet, J Bisiaux
Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 538-550, 2017
Designing a sustainable reverse logistics channel: the 18 generic structures framework
D Millet
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (6-7), 588-597, 2011
A comparative study of ideation mechanisms used in eco-innovation tools
B Tyl, J Legardeur, D Millet, F Vallet
Journal of Engineering Design 25 (10-12), 325-345, 2014
Intégration de l'environnement en conception
D Millet
Hermes science publications, 2003
Eco-ideation and eco-selection of R&D projects portfolio in complex systems industries
F Cluzel, B Yannou, D Millet, Y Leroy
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 4329-4343, 2016
Design for additive manufacturing method for a mechanical system downsizing
M Orquéra, S Campocasso, D Millet
Procedia Cirp 60, 223-228, 2017
Benefits and limits of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem/Life Cycle Assessment approach for the ecodesign of complex systems: a case applied to a hybrid passenger ferry
N Tchertchian, PA Yvars, D Millet
Journal of cleaner production 42, 1-18, 2013
How to explore scenarios of multiple upgrade cycles for sustainable product innovation: the “Upgrade Cycle Explorer” tool
O Pialot, D Millet, N Tchertchian
Journal of Cleaner Production 22 (1), 19-31, 2012
Sustainable life cycle design using constraint satisfaction problems and quality function deployment
A Popoff, D Millet
Procedia cirp 61, 75-80, 2017
Why upgradability should be considered for rationalizing materials?
O Pialot, D Millet
Procedia CIRP 15, 379-384, 2014
Managing the complexity of environmental assessments of complex industrial systems with a Lean 6 Sigma approach
F Cluzel, B Yannou, D Afonso, Y Leroy, D Millet, D Pareau
Complex Systems Design & Management: Proceedings of the First International …, 2010
A novel approach for global environmental performance evaluation of electric batteries for hybrid vehicles
J Garcia, D Millet, P Tonnelier, S Richet, R Chenouard
Journal of Cleaner Production 156, 406-417, 2017
A method for identifying the worst recycling case: Application on a range of vehicles in the automotive sector
D Millet, PA Yvars, P Tonnelier
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 68, 1-13, 2012
Exploitation scenarios in industrial system LCA
F Cluzel, B Yannou, D Millet, Y Leroy
The international journal of life cycle assessment 19, 231-245, 2014
Modifying module boundaries to design remanufacturable products: the modular grouping explorer tool
N Tchertchian, D Millet, O Pialot
Journal of Engineering Design 24 (8), 546-574, 2013
Is it possible to evaluate the recovery potential earlier in the design process? Proposal of a qualitative evaluation tool
P Tonnelier, D Millet, S Richir, M Lecoq
Journal of Engineering design 16 (3), 297-309, 2005
Les silex de la région du Grand-Pressigny (Indre-et-Loire). Recherche géologique et analyse pétrographique/Flints in Grand-Pressigny country (Indre-et-Loire). Geological …
D Giot, N Mallet, D Millet
Revue archéologique du Centre de la France 25 (1), 21-36, 1986
How to design compelling Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality experience?
S Richir, P Fuchs, D Lourdeaux, D Millet, C Buche, R Querrec
International Journal of Virtual Reality 15 (1), 35-47, 2015
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