Vlasis Barousis
Vlasis Barousis
Researcher in Wireless Communications, Athens Information Technology (AIT)
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Beamspace-domain analysis of single-RF front-end MIMO systems
VI Barousis, AG Kanatas, A Kalis
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (3), 1195-1199, 2011
Load modulated arrays: a low-complexity antenna
MA Sedaghat, VI Barousis, RR Müller, CB Papadias
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (3), 46-52, 2016
MIMO over ESPAR with 16-QAM modulation
B Han, VI Barousis, CB Papadias, A Kalis, R Prasad
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2 (6), 687-690, 2013
A stochastic beamforming algorithm for ESPAR antennas
V Barousis, AG Kanatas, A Kalis, C Papadias
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7, 745-748, 2008
Aerial degrees of freedom of parasitic arrays for single RF front-end MIMO transceivers
V Barousis, AG Kanatas
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 35, 287-306, 2011
Precoding for multiuser MIMO systems with single-fed parasitic antenna arrays
GC Alexandropoulos, VI Barousis, CB Papadias
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 3897-3902, 2014
Arbitrary precoding with single-fed parasitic arrays: Closed-form expressions and design guidelines
VI Barousis, CB Papadias
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 3 (2), 229-232, 2014
A single RF MIMO loading network for high‐order modulation schemes
B Han, VI Barousis, A Kalis, CB Papadias, AG Kanatas, R Prasad
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2014 (1), 879127, 2014
A new signal model for MIMO communication with compact parasitic arrays
VI Barousis, CB Papadias, RR Müller
2014 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal …, 2014
Reconfigurable parasitic antennas for compact mobile terminals in multiuser wireless systems
VI Barousis, AG Kanatas, A Kalis, J Perruisseau-Carrier
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 1-10, 2012
Massive antenna arrays with low front-end hardware complexity: An enabling technology for the emerging small cell and distributed network architectures
VI Barousis, MA Sedaghat, RR Müller, CB Papadias
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.7733, 2014
A limited feedback technique for beamspace MIMO systems with single RF front-end
V Barousis, AG Kanatas, A Kalis, C Papadias
2008 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2008
Active parasitic arrays for low cost compact MIMO transmitters
B Han, V Barousis, A Kalis, AG Kanatas
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation …, 2011
Single RF MIMO systems: exploiting the capabilities of parasitic antennas
V Barousis, A Kalis, AG Kanatas
2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 1-5, 2011
Pattern diversity for single RF user terminals in multiuser environments
V Barousis, AG Kanatas, ND Skentos, A Kalis
IEEE communications letters 14 (2), 151-153, 2010
Closed-loop beamspace MIMO systems with low hardware complexity
V Barousis, AG Kanatas, A Kalis, C Papadias
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
A parasitic antenna array for directive multi-hop sensor communication
VI Barousis, E Roumpakias, CB Papadias
2013 IEEE 14th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless …, 2013
A complete MIMO system built on a single RF communication ends
V Barousis, AG Kanatas, G Efthymoglou
PIERS Online 6 (6), 559-563, 2010
A stochastic algorithm for beamforming using espar antennas
V Barousis, AG Kanatas, A Kalis, C Papadias
IEEE GLOBECOM 2008-2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-5, 2008
2008 index ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters vol. 7
C Aanandan, A Abbosh, M Abdallah, M Abou-Khousa, G Addamo, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7, 811, 2008
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