Ji-Chai Lin
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Trade size and components of the bid-ask spread
JC Lin, GC Sanger, GG Booth
The Review of Financial Studies 8 (4), 1153-1183, 1995
Insider trading in the OTC market
JC Lin, JS Howe
The journal of Finance 45 (4), 1273-1284, 1990
Trading and pricing in upstairs and downstairs stock markets
GG Booth, JC Lin, T Martikainen, Y Tse
The Review of Financial Studies 15 (4), 1111-1135, 2002
Market structure, informed trading, and analysts' recommendations
ST Kim, JC Lin, MB Slovin
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 32 (4), 507-524, 1997
Stock splits, trading continuity, and the cost of equity capital
JC Lin, AK Singh, W Yu
Journal of Financial Economics 93 (3), 474-489, 2009
The relation between aggregate insider transactions and stock market returns
M Chowdhury, JS Howe, JC Lin
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 28 (3), 431-437, 1993
Trading patterns of big versus small players in an emerging market: An empirical analysis
YT Lee, JC Lin, YJ Liu
Journal of Banking & Finance 23 (5), 701-725, 1999
Dividend policy, signaling, and discounts on closed-end funds
SA Johnson, JC Lin, KR Song
Journal of Financial Economics 81 (3), 539-562, 2006
Information, sophistication, and foreign versus domestic investors’ performance
LW Chen, SA Johnson, JC Lin, YJ Liu
Journal of Banking & Finance 33 (9), 1636-1651, 2009
Capital market behavior and operational announcements of layoffs, operation closings, and pay cuts
JC Lin, MS Rozeff
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 3, 29-45, 1993
Dividend policy and the bid‐ask spread: an empirical analysis
JS Howe, JC Lin
Journal of Financial Research 15 (1), 1-10, 1992
IPO auctions and private information
JC Lin, YT Lee, YJ Liu
Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (5), 1483-1500, 2007
The R&D premium and takeover risk
JC Lin, Y Wang
The Accounting Review 91 (3), 955-971, 2016
The speed of adjustment of prices to private information: Empirical tests
JC Lin, MS Rozeff
Journal of Financial Research 18 (2), 143-156, 1995
Price Delay Premium and Liquidity Risk
JC Lin, AK Singh, S Sun, W Yu
Journal of Financial Markets, 2012
SEO Timing and Liquidity Risk
JC Lin, YL Wu
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012
Order persistence, adverse selection, and gross profits earned by NYSE specialists
JC Lin
Journal of Finance 48 (3), 1108-1109, 1993
What do stock price levels tell us about the firms?
K Chan, F Li, JC Lin, TC Lin
Journal of Corporate Finance 46, 34-50, 2017
Limited attention, share repurchases, and takeover risk
JC Lin, CP Stephens, YL Wu
Journal of Banking & Finance 42, 283-301, 2014
Internalization and stock price clustering: Finnish evidence
GG Booth, JP Kallunki, JC Lin, T Martikainen
Journal of International Money and Finance 19 (5), 737-751, 2000
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