Saeed Abdolhossein Zadeh
Saeed Abdolhossein Zadeh
School of Industrial Management, Shahid Beheshti University
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Cited by
Performance optimization of integrated resilience engineering and lean production principles
A Azadeh, R Yazdanparast, SA Zadeh, AE Zadeh
Expert Systems with Applications 84, 155-170, 2017
An integrated fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy multiple-criteria decision-making simulation approach for maintenance policy selection
A Azadeh, S Abdolhossein Zadeh
Simulation 92 (1), 3-18, 2016
An intelligent algorithm for optimizing emergency department job and patient satisfaction
A Azadeh, R Yazdanparast, SA Zadeh, A Keramati
International journal of health care quality assurance 31 (5), 374-390, 2018
Concurrent evaluation of customer relationship management and organizational excellence: an empirical study
MS Amalnick, SA Zadeh
Performance Improvement Quarterly 30 (1), 55-88, 2017
Designing a cellular manufacturing system considering decision style, skill and job security by NSGA-II and response surface methodology
A Azadeh, S Pashapour, S Abdolhossein Zadeh
International Journal of Production Research 54 (22), 6825-6847, 2016
A single-machine scheduling problem with learning effect, deterioration and non-monotonic time-dependent processing times
A Azadeh, H Habibnejad-Ledari, S Abdolhossein Zadeh, ...
International journal of computer integrated manufacturing 30 (2-3), 292-304, 2017
A hybrid computer simulation-adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system algorithm for optimization of dispatching rule selection in job shop scheduling problems under uncertainty
A Azadeh, N Hosseini, S Abdolhossein Zadeh, F Jalalvand
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 79, 135-145, 2015
An intelligent algorithm for identification of optimum mix of demographic features for trust in medical centers in Iran
R Yazdanparast, SA Zadeh, D Dadras, A Azadeh
Artificial intelligence in medicine 88, 25-36, 2018
Customer‐Relationship Management: Performance Assessment and Improvement by an Intelligent Algorithm
S Abdolhossein Zadeh, A Azadeh
Performance Improvement Quarterly 33 (2), 119-152, 2020
Comparison between condition-based, age-based and failure-based maintenance policies in parallel and serial configurations: a simulation analysis
A Azadeh, M Sheikhalishahi, SA Zadeh, HH Baygy
International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and …, 2017
Improving Earned Value Management and Earned Schedule by Statistical Quality Control Charts Considering the Dependence between Cost and Schedule
M Sheikhalishahi, S Abdolhossein Zadeh, S Naeimi, A Sardardabadi
Journal of Quality Engineering and Production Optimization 7 (1), 177-198, 2022
A trust-based performance measurement modeling using DEA, T-norm and S-norm operators
AH Azadeh, SA Zadeh, M Saberi, FK Hussain, OK Hussain
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1913-1920, 2014
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Articles 1–12