Danish Pruthi
Danish Pruthi
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
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Combating Adversarial Misspellings with Robust Word Recognition
D Pruthi, B Dhingra, ZC Lipton
ACL 2019, 2019
Learning to Deceive with Attention-Based Explanations
D Pruthi, M Gupta, B Dhingra, G Neubig, ZC Lipton
ACL 2020, 2020
SPINE: SParse Interpretable Neural Embeddings
A Subramanian, D Pruthi, H Jhamtani, T Berg-Kirkpatrick, E Hovy
AAAI 2018, 2017
compare-mt: A Tool for Holistic Comparison of Language Generation Systems
G Neubig, ZY Dou, J Hu, P Michel, D Pruthi, X Wang
NAACL 2019 (System Demonstrations), 2019
Evaluating Explanations: How much do explanations from the teacher aid students?
D Pruthi, R Bansal, B Dhingra, LB Soares, M Collins, ZC Lipton, G Neubig, ...
TACL 2021, 2020
Simple and Effective Semi-Supervised Question Answering
B Dhingra, D Pruthi, D Rajagopal
NAACL 2018, 2018
NeuSpell: A Neural Spelling Correction Toolkit
SM Jayanthi, D Pruthi, G Neubig
EMNLP 2020 (System Demonstrations), 2020
Explain, Edit, and Understand: Rethinking User Study Design for Evaluating Model Explanations
S Arora, D Pruthi, N Sadeh, WW Cohen, ZC Lipton, G Neubig
AAAI 2022, 2021
Do Context-Aware Translation Models Pay the Right Attention?
K Yin, P Fernandes, D Pruthi, A Chaudhary, AFT Martins, G Neubig
ACL 2021, 2021
Inspecting the Geographical Representativeness of Images from Text-to-Image Models
A Basu, RV Babu, D Pruthi
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2023), 2023
Weakly-and Semi-supervised Evidence Extraction
D Pruthi, B Dhingra, G Neubig, ZC Lipton
Findings of EMNLP 2020, 2020
Learning to Scaffold: Optimizing Model Explanations for Teaching
P Fernandes, M Treviso, D Pruthi, AFT Martins, G Neubig
NeurIPS 2022, 2022
Discovering response-eliciting factors in social question answering: A reddit inspired study
D Pruthi, Y Dahiya, P Talukdar
ICWSM 2016, 2016
Maxxyt: An autonomous wearable device for real-time tracking of a wide range of exercises
D Pruthi, A Jain, KM Jatavallabhula, R Nalwaya, P Teja
UKSim 2015, 137-141, 2015
Model-tuning Via Prompts Makes NLP Models Adversarially Robust
M Raman, P Maini, JZ Kolter, ZC Lipton, D Pruthi
EMNLP 2023, 2023
What Can Natural Language Processing Do for Peer Review?
I Kuznetsov, OM Afzal, K Dercksen, N Dycke, A Goldberg, T Hope, D Hovy, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.06563, 2024
Geographical Erasure in Language Generation
P Schwöbel, J Golebiowski, M Donini, C Archambeau, D Pruthi
Findings of EMNLP 2023, 2023
Goodhart's Law Applies to NLP's Explanation Benchmarks
J Hsia, D Pruthi, A Singh, ZC Lipton
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.14272, 2023
Assisting Human Decisions in Document Matching
JS Kim, V Chen, D Pruthi, NB Shah, A Talwalkar
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR 2023), 2023
Measures of Information Reflect Memorization Patterns
R Bansal, D Pruthi, Y Belinkov
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 18472-18486, 2022
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